Dear brothers and sisters Im writing this reluctantly, but I - TopicsExpress


Dear brothers and sisters Im writing this reluctantly, but I need the rest of the year off from the band due to the fact that Im struggling to maintain my health whilst being committed to fulltime work and other current priorities. After my recent MRI scan it is apparent that my heart is fatigued and its really effecting my life at the moment. The surgeons need to go in and fix very soon, Ive been told possibly before the new year. I need any spare time to rest but in saying this, i am still looking forward to releasing first clip and building new tracks. I find out when Ill b doing the OP on Wednesday and will need couple months recovery post op aswell. Meanwhile, I understand its going to be hard to play without me so this is what IAM devising/proposing for the rest of the year for the highgrade. -Release dreams on media. -pick a track from our new ideas to build. -have various jams to maximize the chosen track. -work/pay james to record in studio. -eventually make another clip for this track and drop it as a single with the film clip digitally and through all media. I really want to spread the message in our music and think we will reach larger audiences through clips/media release as everybodys on it comparison to doing various gigs all around the joint. I think we have a name in qld now. I enjoy the fun of gigging but think judging from our current circumstances it would be smarter to gain attention through media/film/singles. Taking our time to create a quality track in regards to instruments/vocs/ production/awesome clip. No rush, I can still do various sessions to work on it.. keep positive! Cheers, Erb
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:48:32 +0000

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