Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, prayer partners and - TopicsExpress


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, prayer partners and friends Peace God has not abandoned me. I need to give thanks to God and praise His name. Let me be a living sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to Him. It is through your faithful prayer and by His grace that I can motivate myself to write this prayer letter. I need to praise the Lord, my God and my savior who holds me tight and let me walk with him in difficult seasons of life. He has been gracious and merciful to me. Thinking back the past twenty years of ministry in Macau at Long Feng Ge(龍鳳閣), I struggled and cried before God. These were the tears of thankfulness, tears of hurts, tears of anger and tears of sorrow. I cried out to God for His mercy to help and His healing power. He told me to forgive people and the hurts I experienced in the past. I thought I have forgiven already, but Grace, during her recent visit, strongly told me otherwise that I had not forgiven much! I prayed for God’s saving mercy to help and to wipe away all my tears. I felt tired and weak, not wanting to see anyone. During this time many good friends expressed their love and care to me which I truly appreciated. Thank you for Du En Xin (杜恩信), Liang Shu Zhi (梁 淑枝), Miao Yan Rong (苗延榮), Cai Yu Zhen (蔡玉珍), Li Ya Ting (李雅婷), Tang Hui Zhen (唐惠珍) and Guo Shu Juan (郭淑娟). They care for me very much and want to visit me in Macau. Thank you Lord, for He strengthens me to prepare the place to receive them for His own use. I am moving back to Bai Hui (柏惠) since its leasing contract is expired. However before I can move in, I need to renovate the bathroom, to fix the sink and the leaking pipe. I was able to contact brother Yang (sister Yu’s husband) from church for the renovation work after one Wednesday night church prayer meeting. On that same night, after the meeting, I went to the Bai Hui (柏惠). But bathroom leaking problem was more urgent and worse than I anticipated. It even affected the neighbors. I was frustrated that the on duty night time building security guard was not willing to help in any way. When I realized nothing can be done at such late hours, I left. Returning to Bai Hui(柏惠) the next morning, I found out that God graciously arranged another day time building security guard to help me fix the bathroom leaking problem. Through this, I learned to be thankful. I learned to overcome myself, not to be angry, not to blame on anyone. Grace came back to Macau to visit me during the New Year holiday. She was in Macau also for an important interview. Grace arrived Macau on 23rd which was a Thursday, but she was not able to find anywhere in the house the necessary documents for the interview the whole night. Finally, I encouraged her to stop the search and prayed to God for help. We keened before God and prayed. We learned to entrust the matter into God’s hand and believed His mighty power to help. I even shared with Grace the incidence with the leaking pipe. I told her how I witnessed God’s gracious helping hand in every situation. The next day which was a Friday, after our church intercessory prayer meeting, our pastor specially prayed for Grace, her preparation and the upcoming interview. The Lord listened to our prayer. Grace was able to obtain the documents smoothly on Friday and the interview went well on Saturday. Through this, Grace experienced the mighty power through prayer. She learned to acknowledge the Lord and He is in control. “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:14. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that you fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you so that you will love one another.” John 15: 16-17 “Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty but associate with the lowly. Never be conceited.” Romans 12:14-16 “It will be said on that day; Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him that he might save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for him; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.” Isaiah 25:9 Prayer items: 1. Pray for my brother Jin Long (金龍). Pray that God gives him wisdom and strength to handle the house in Taiwan 2. Pray for me and my sister Xiang Yun (湘雲) that we can go back to Taiwan to care for the family matters. We can glorify God and be a blessing to others. 3. Pray for me that I can arrange the apartment and ready to be used by God 4. Pray for Grace. Pray for her study, her physical and spiritual health. Pray for her increasing knowledge of God and His will in her life. 5. Pray for Ai Qin (愛琴), Qing Mei (青媚), Lai Xi Yu (賴思宇), Yun (雲), Cai Yan (彩艷), Janny and Lily that they can have time to come to church. Pray also for their husbands Mr. Luo( 羅), Mr. Liu (劉), Mr. Chen (陳), and Mr. zheng (鄭) . Pray for their salvation that I know how to witness to them and share the gospel. Pray that these couples can have a Christ centered family. 6. Pray for my health. I need to have another blood test in June to find out the reason of low white blood count. May God Bless you in Juses Name
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:12:46 +0000

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