Dear brothers in Islam, Please think over this article. Make a - TopicsExpress


Dear brothers in Islam, Please think over this article. Make a print out and read it carefully. In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful, All praise be to Allah, peace and blessing be on our beloved Prophet Mohammed sallellahu Alaihiwasallam Some people try to prove that Fiqah Hanafi is also in accordance with Quran and sunnah. They quote few examples to illustrate the point. No one says that every thing in Fiqah Hanafi is wrong. At the same time, it is equally not correct to say that if you stick to Fiqah Hanafi, your deeds will be in line with the sunnah of prophet sallellahu Alaihiwasallam. This is the greatest myth prevailing among Muslims today in the name of Taqleed. The scholars have taken advantage of the ignorance of the Ummah and kept them in dark for centuries. Still, Haq is around us, and will remain till Qiyama It is time to open our eyes and see what is really in the books of Fiqah Hanafi. The great Imam has neither left behind any book nor did he intend to make his teachings binding on his followers. On the contrary, he always forbade his students from writing down his teachings, for he was not sure whether they are in accordance with the Sunnah. He gave rulings according to the knowledge that reached him at that time, and did his best Ijtihad when Hadith was not available. Majority of the knowledge of Ahadith was compiled after the death of Imam Abu Hanifa R.A. To illustrate this point, it is worth mentioning that about 2/3 of Imam’s teachings were later amended by his 1st generation students when they found them contradictory to the authentic Hadith that became available later. For example Saalat Al Istisqa (rain prayer) not supported by Imam AbuHanifa was later added in the light of hadith that became available later. But this spirit of flexibility to amend the teachings of the Imam in light of Quran and Sunnah did not last long. The later generation scholars who came during the morally deprived Abbasi Khalifas adopted a rigid attitude and started competing with each other in compiling the Fiqah books. This is what we are following today in the name of Imam AbuHanifa R.A and there is no such Fiqah left behind by Imam AbuHanifa R.A. The purpose of this article is to bring the facts to light and establish the hujjah on the day of resurrection but not hurt any body’s sentiments. Sentiments will not help us to escape from the hell fire. In fact Fiqah Hanafi is far from sunnah of the prophet sallellahu Alihiwasallam as evident from the following fatawahs quoted from the books of Fiqah Hanafi. Now discover what is in these books. Can this be in accordance with Quran and Sunnah? Imam Abu Hanifa is free from all these fatawas of misguided Hanafi Ulama. 1. In one has intercourse with a live or dead animal or a minor girl, ablution will NOT be void. (Dur Al Muqtar vol -1 ; page 83) 2. If any one has intercourse with a dead woman or minor girl or an animal, then his fasting will not be broken. (Dur Al Muqtar, book of fasting , vol-1,page 567) 3. If any one satisfies his desire by masturbation, there is no kaffara for his fasting. (HIDAYA ; book of fasting, vol-1, page – 219) 4. If any person falsely claims that a particular woman is his wife and produces false witness to prove it and wins the case, the that woman becomes his wife. (Fatawh Alamgir – 350 / 3) 5. If prayer is ended by passing the wind (Farting) instead of Tasleem, then it will be acceptable. (HIDAYA; book of Salat ; chapter on Hadas fi salat; vol -1 ; page 130) 6. It is not allowed to pray while carrying a child. (In fact it is allowed and proven by Hadith), where as it is allowed to pray while carrying a dog. (Dur Al Muqtar , Book of Tahara, vol-1, page -153) 7. If human excreta or any other impurity sticks to the finger, then it can be purified by licking it three times. (Behashti Zewar, Part-2; masla – 26; page -5 / Fatawa Alamgir – vol -1 ; page-61) 8 Fiqah Hanafi allows non Muslims to enter the Haram of Makkah. Allah Subhhanwatala says “O ye who believe! Truly the pagans are unclean; so let them not after this year of theirs a
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 17:32:50 +0000

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