Dear cat and dog rescue people (both non-Vegan AND Vegan): When - TopicsExpress


Dear cat and dog rescue people (both non-Vegan AND Vegan): When I share a Vegan educational message, similar to this on a page or in a group that focuses only one dogs and/or cats: If youre not already Vegan, and you think animals matter morally, then please go Vegan. Its easy and great for you, incredible for the animals, and wonderful for the planet. If youre already Vegan, please educate non-Vegans about why they should go Vegan. Please rescue/volunteer/adopt/foster/spay/neuter the nonhuman refugees of domestication whenever you can. Please feed your companion animals Vegan where you can. These things are the most important, morally responsible things to do and are desperately needed by everyone. legacyofpythagoras.wordpress/2014/04/10/master-list-of-vegan-info please, try to understand why I do this. When I share this Vegan message, Im trying to get people who are non-Vegan to wake up to the fact that even though we are killing 3 to 4 million healthy cats and dogs a year in shelters, that we are also killing more than a trillion (thats more than 1,000,000,000,000) sea animals a year, as well as tens of billions of chickens, billions of cows, pigs, and all the other nonhuman animals that we exploit for food. An individual dogs or cats life, suffering and freedoms are not more valuable than the life, suffering and freedoms of an individual fish, a chicken, a cow, a pig, a turkey, a goat, a sheep, a bee, or any other nonhuman animal. Each of these billions of individual animals has an interest in their own survival and freedoms, just as dogs, cats and humans do. Each of them feels pain, fear, pleasure, happiness, and other sensations, just as humans, cats and dogs do. Their lives are infinitely valuable to them. Our lives are infinitely valuable to us. There is morally no difference between murdering a human, murdering a dog or cat, or murdering a fish, insect, reptile, amphibian, bird, or other mammal. I fully understand that you are trying desperately to save this one dog or cat before uncaring humans murder them. I share all of your frustration and your triumphs. You dont have to explain to me that you feel you cant save every dog or cat, or every animal in the world, but that saving just one animal means everything to that one animal. I already understand all of this, just as all Vegans understand all of this. Its part of the reason we became Vegan. Vegans are not trying to stop you from saving each individual animal you can. In fact, just the opposite. We are trying to show you how you CAN save every animal in existence from being intentionally exploited and harmed by humans. But one thing you must understand is that I refuse to share individual animals who need saving on Facebook without pairing that message with an explicit Vegan message. Part of this is because the word on Veganism needs to get out there. Any non-violent and non-speciesist way it can. No matter what else happens, ever, we MUST STOP domestication and all the atrocities we inflict on nonhuman animals merely for our trivial, selfish interests. But another part of it is the fact that almost all human family of rescued cats and dogs feed their nonhuman family the bodies and secretions of other animals who were forced into existence and then had every bit as bad a life as most of the cats and dogs were trying to save, and in almost all cases, much worse. It makes absolutely NO sense to try to save a few million dogs and cats and at the same time, condemning to death TRILLIONS of other animals merely for our own pleasure, amusement or convenience, but also, it makes just as little sense to feed those aimals to our nonhuman family when all dogs and most cats can thrive on a Vegan diet: legacyofpythagoras.wordpress/2014/04/12/the-truth-about-pet-food legacyofpythagoras.wordpress/2014/06/13/domestication-and-companion-animals So please, when you see me share an animal on FB with that Vegan message dont take it as me trying to steal the time and space of that single animal youre trying to save. Im merely trying to save that animal AND simultaneously all the other animals that humans are inflicting unbelievable atrocities on every second of every day, just like these dogs and cats were so fond of. Knowing what I know, and having seen what Ive seen, which is why I went Vegan in the first place, it wouldnt be morally justifiable for me to share a dog or cat on Facebook WITHOUT adding a message explaining that everyone must go Vegan. Please, dont delete my Vegan messages just because youre afraid of your own moral conflict. Go Vegan, feed your nonhuman family Vegan, and keep saving all the dogs and cats you can as well. We can save all the other animals too. I believe in us. Together, we can do it. Yours truly, Someone Who Cares.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:19:41 +0000

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