Dear colleagues, within the SMART (Science for Management of - TopicsExpress


Dear colleagues, within the SMART (Science for Management of Rivers and tier Tidal systems) Joint Doctorate Programme of the Erasmus Mundus initiative, we announce at least one PhD positions (see below). Please, help this announcement to reach interested candidates. With kind regards, Monica Tolotti Vacancies for one PhD position: Ecological shifts of stream ecosystems in deglaciating Alpine areas Supervisors: Alberto Bellin (UniTn), Monica Tolotti, Maria Cristina Bruno (FEM), Martin Pusch (IGB), Klement Tockner (FUB) Primary Institution: University of Trento (UniTn), Italy Secondary Institution: Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Associate Partners: Edmund Mach Foundation (FEM, Italy), Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB, Germany) Research Area: B Description Glacier retreat represents one of the most important effects of climate change. However, the impact of melting permafrost and rock glaciers on Alpine headwaters has so far been poorly investigated (Williams et al., 2006; Thies et al., 2007), and the effects on the biota are still mostly unknown (Thies et al., 2013; Ilyashuk et al., 2014). It is supposed that streams fundamentally change their biogeochemical and ecological characteristics after glacier disappearance, which is reflected by shifts in water chemistry, in the composition and functionality of aquatic flora and fauna, and in the resulting food webs (Cantonati et al., 2001; Brown et al., 2006; Füreder et al., 2001; 2003; Hieber et al., 2001). Research questions: How does the shift to a different stream typology due to ice retreat affect water chemistry and food webs? Can we predict changes in the food web, and in the composition and diversity of benthic communities typologies caused by the current warming of the Alps (Casty et a., 2005), based on the observed differences among existing Alpine stream types? Is it possible to track effects of past (last decades) changes in the contribution to stream flow of various Alpine stream types (paleolimnological approach)? Method: Comparison of four different types of high altitude streams and lakes, i.e.: a) fed by glacier (kryal) b) fed by snow for most of the year (krenal) c) without snow in the catchment in summer but permafrost, e.g. rock glacier (kryal-rhithral) d) without permafrost (rhithral) Three replicates of each stream typology will be selected for the investigation within the upper catchment of the River Noce watershed, which is characterized by mixed presence of glaciers and permafrost. The study area will be characterized geographically, geologically and hydrologically. Hydrology and water chemistry (including heavy metals and stable isotopes) will be analyzed for each stream at key seasonal periods. Ecological analyses will record the composition of benthic invertebrates and the quality of their food resources. For food web analysis, PUFAs and the C and N stable isotopes composition of selected organisms from major macrozoobenthos feeding guilds (i.e. 1 scraper taxon, 1 filter feeder, 1 predator) and of phytobenthos and detritus will be analyzed. The research will integrate field observations with mathematical modelling. Sediment cores will be collected and analyzed for geochemical and biological proxies from at least two lakes in the study area. Study area: Val de la Mare and Val di Pejo (Upper Noce watershed), Cevedale Group. Italy, at elevations above 2000 m asl. References Brown L. E., Milner A.M., Hannah D.M., 2006. Stability and persistence of alpine stream macroinvertebrate communities and the role of physicochemical habitat variables. Hydrobiologia 560: 159–173. Burgherr P, Ward JV, Robinson CT, 2002. Seasonal variation in zoobenthos across habitat gradients in an alpine glacial floodplain (Val Roseg, Swiss Alps). Journal of the North American benthological Society 21: 561-575. Cantonati M., Corradini G., Juttner I., Cox E.J., 2001. Diatom assemblages in high mountain streams of the Alps and the Himalaya. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft123: 37–61. Casty C., Wanner H., Luterbacher J., Esper J., Böhm R., 2005. Temperature and precipitation variability in the European Alps since 1500. International Journal of Climatology 25, 1855–1880. Füureder L., Welter C., Jackson J.K., 2003. Dietary and stable isotope (υ 13C, υ 15N) analyses in alpine stream insects. International Review of Hydrobiology 88: 314–331. Hieber M., Robinson C.T., Rushford S.R., Uehlinger U., 2001. Algal communities associated with different alpine stream types. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research 33: 447–456. Ilyashuk B.P. Ilyashuk E. A., Psenner R., Tessadri R., Koinig K.A., 2014. Rock glacier outflows may adversely affect lakes: Lessons from the past and present of two neighboring water bodies in a crystalline-rock watershed. Environmental Science and Technology, 48: 6192-6200. Thies H., Nickus N., Tolotti M., Tessadri R., Krainer K., 2013. Evidence of rock glacier melt impacts on water chemistry and diatoms in high mountain streams. Cold Regions Science and Technology 96:77-85. Thies H., Nickus U., Mair V., Tessadri R., Tait D., Thaler B., Psenner R., 2007. Unexpected response of high alpine lake waters to climate warming. Environmental Science and Technology 41: 7424–7429. Tockner K; Malard F; Uehlinger U; et al., 2002. Nutrients and organic matter in a glacial river-floodplain system (Val Roseg, Switzerland). Limnology and Oceanography 47: 266-277 Williams M. W., Knauf M., Caine M., Liu F., Verplanck P. L., 2006. Geochemistry and source waters of rock glacier outflow, Colorado Front Range. Permafrost Periglac. Process. 17: 13-33. The PhD students will closely cooperate and be part of a team of researchers from FEM, UniTN and IGB. For information on the work programme, see“admission”%2c%20“call%20for%20positions”%20for%20information%20on%20the%20last%20call%29.%20 (see under “Admission”, “Call for positions” for information on the last call). or contact Monica Tolotti ([email protected]). Deadline for application is January 13th 2015.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 19:59:08 +0000

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