Dear compatriots: Everyone is still familiar with the « Gan Fg - TopicsExpress


Dear compatriots: Everyone is still familiar with the « Gan Fg of our » of China (Jiang Qing, Wang Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan, Zhang Chunqiao) who were leaders during « Cultural Revolution » from 1966 to 1976 in China and finally were accused of committing treasonous act against the will of the people of China. They were trial and imprisoned. The Gang of Four of China actually did not offer any favoritism nor political deal to foreign enemy against the will of the people. But regardless, their political maneuvers were absolutely intolerable by the people’s will. Similarly, Mr. Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha who are now seen as the » Gang of Two » of Cambodia and the betrayal of the people’s WILL are currently labeled by students and Cambodians inside and abroad as classical « traitors » to their country (Cambodia) as their current » political deal », venture, or shameful agreement with Mr. Hun Sen, the head of illegitimate and puppet government of Vietnamese is historically unacceptable, intolerable, and must be condemned by the will of the people. Cambodian people cannot tolerate this type of « treasonous leadership » that has been manipulatively lied to people for over a year through mass demonstrations against Mr. Hun Sen and his puppet government costing at least six deaths, many wounded, and many many more jailed. Now both of them join the same « puppet government » with the same enemy of the will of the people since July 28, 2013. By joining Mr. Hun Sen’s partnership, Mr. Rainsy and Sokha likely have a chance to indirectly help spawning more Vietnamese in Cambodia and a promising trust guaranteeing that CPP will definitely win the next election as million of younger Vietnamese (now 16 years of age and up) will have the rights to vote by then in the next two years. Please be informed Mr. Hun Sen and Mr. Rainsy, infarct, have secretly started « political deal » to one another through Mr. Kiet Meng since July 13, 2013 via a secret e-mail of Mr. Son Chhay to Mr. Rainsy in six days before the latter returned from exile on July 19, 2013. The words « political deal » using on that e-mail is now clearly evidently proven enough that Mr. Hun Sen and Sam Rainey’s « political deal » has turned to be « historic deal » of betraying the people’s WILL. Please see the attached email of Mr. Son Chhay, under (Son Chhay Letter) for evidence. This e-mail was once sent out to inform the public by Khmer American Alliance for Democracy on March, 5, 2014. In this regard, the WILL of the people will stand up to protect Cambodia’s sovereignty and the freedom of the people at all costs. Through the creation of « United Free Cambodia », the people’s WILL will democratically bring Mr. Hun Sen down and his puppet government has to be replaced. Conspirators (traitors) to this puppet Prime Minister and illegitimate government must pay their alleged treasonous prices before the WILL of the people. Khmer American Alliance for Democracy (KAAD) highly respects CNRP as a popular hopeful political party and always regards its general members as nationalistic compatriots. But we are regretful to see its two top leaders have finally apparently made wrong move toward a pro-Hun Sen’s Vietnamization and being labeled as « traitors » by all group of students and Cambodian people generally. Some believe this is the beginning of the end of CNRP political life and party integrity with respect to mass citizenry tactically destroyed by the « Gang of Two. » KAAD appeals for solidarity and cooperation from all Cambodian people at this time working collaboratively shoulders to shoulders to support « United Free Cambodia » of the people’s WILL to bring Mr. Hun Sen down at this last opportunity for a New Cambodia with full Sovereignty, Freedom, and Democracy for our nation and for all Cambodian people. Remember, this is the only last chance to save Cambodia. Please stand up for the historic Revolution, Challenge and Change. TOGETHER, WE FREE CAMBODIA ! Respectfully, MOUR LEY
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 06:31:48 +0000

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