Dear cosplayers, this is in no way me trying to give advice but it - TopicsExpress


Dear cosplayers, this is in no way me trying to give advice but it is me voicing my opinion based on what I see. Take it or leave it. Its so incredibly awesome to see so many people becoming confident in themselves and creating fan pages to better express themselves to the world. And thats exactly what it should be, a focused extension of yourself and expression. People want to see you. People want to hear you. And the need for some to have a seperate personal page is 100% understandable. Heres where it gets clouded. While that fan page should be an extension of you, it shouldnt be an alternate you. If youre an a-hole on your personal page then dammit be an a-hole of your fan page too. Talking to your fans and stating how awesome they are and singing the praises of how cosplay is for everyone then going on your personal page to air your grievances about your fans while shamming the cosplayers that stand next to you really isnt a good look. Just be you through and through. Afraid of loosing likes and followers? Look, if people choose to leave then they arent real fans of yours. Besides, it is possible to disagree with a persons point of view but still respect and be a fan of the work they do. Im not saying post all your political or religious etc, views to your fans because honestly, thats probably not why they started following you in the first place. But I just feel that if we (the cosplay community) aspired to be more than just an image on the screen so much more good could come from it. Something people can connect with. Something people can draw inspiration and motivation from. Just be you! Listen, Im not naive and I perfectly know that many people couldnt care less about the connections with their fans. They see them simply as a number. An avenue for opportunities. And thats fine. Too each is own. But I also believe, with all my heart that theirs so cosplayers out there that truly want to make that connection and possibly a difference in someones life. No matter how small it is. But do it in the right way of just being you and not an alternate you! Again, take whatever you want from this. Personally, I love my connection. I love to help. I love the messages. I love just being me. Regardless of how you choose to let the world see you remember, whether its on your fan page or personal page, youre always being watched so why not just always be you?
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:53:04 +0000

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