Dear counsel Luzige, I have read the monitor story of today 25. - TopicsExpress


Dear counsel Luzige, I have read the monitor story of today 25. 8.2013. Its nauseating to say the list. As you can see this is a government run amok, mis- information stunt. But its dangerous too as it shows a CRIMINAL INTENT. First of all, i dont know of any close relative who runs a forex bureau. Who indeed would have access to US dollars 8m. That type of money is ofcourse is peanuts to the museveni family. Thats why in their eyes, its a credable spin. But like all lies, this is not hard to expose. In anycase, this should not be difficult to establish,its source,transit route thruogh bank of uganda,etc. So go right ahead and publish the name of the forex and the owner and all those other factors about the alleged transaction. Secondly,lets know the name of other relative who left the country with that stash of money and back, that who could carry such huge amounts of money undetected. That USDollars 8million. How foolish must this spinner be! It is laughable. To try and sound smart,the spinners mix in foreign intelligence. You dont have to be bright to know the foreign power they mean. Remember they had alleged that before i got away,i met and plotted with the british high commissioner about my escape. This was leaked in the press by their local tabloid. This, as we all know was a total lie. So this is basically intended to serve three purposes 1. To lay ground to harrass,disorganise and harm my family and their livelihood. This will not be the first time as i will explain later. However,as the story develeps the people of uganda will get to know the game plan of museveni and his gang. They will learn that this is a trick long played by museveni to get to his political opponents, their families and businesses. Actually museveni did the same with Maj Gen James Kazini when he accused him that he was sending money to elements in Southern Sudan (SPLA)and West Nile veterans to topple him.. Thats when museveni ordered his execution by procuring the services of 6 foot 6 inches man to murder Gen Kazini. . Forget that trash of Draru. In case of kazini, again some forex bureau,originally said to belong to Gen Kazini ,but actually that belonged to a known relative of museveni was later to be used to pass the money for the payment of the executioners of kazini, to the accounts of the assassins.The family of Gen Kazini knows this, and when his young brother SINGA tried to follow this, he too was killed. And the KENYAN team of private investigators which had been hired by the family was attacked and it left the country at night. And the family was threatened and their businesses targeredvetc. Two very close senior relatives of museveni supervised this. But i will not mention their names for now ,though their names are known by those with this information. But for now lets keep it at that. Now its the same game being played by museveni and those close to him, we are watching. This time we shall not allow you to murder our people. It started in the Bush, remember our army commander Sam Magara and those boys you used to kill him in cold blood? We kept their photos. They will be released for your enjoyment. This mischief must stop mr president.You know we know you. You are dealing with a different cup of tea. Please go slow in trying to anjoy it. It will burn you. So go slow on your dirty tricks campaign. For those not in the know again Andrew Kayira was said to possess money before he was gunned down by museveni goons . The list of the killers is in known because the case was investigated by the best police in the world. So there is no debate about that.The reason given was money. Mr Museveni knows the real motive and the real executioners. If mr museveni does not go well and use this time to ask for amnesty from the people uganda, then your crimes will overwhelm you. . Let the scotlant Yard allow to release the report of kayiira murder and many many others., The world will be shocked about the murderers in our midist. For now your game plan is clear. Its stupid because its reckless. But watch out. i can assure you your every move is being watched.Those who died will live to haunt you. I dont steal like you. The british government knows my situation. Britain , they are not a corrupt banana republic like ours which you have destroyed through your corruption. They would not allow US 8million to be smuggled at the airport. Its a foolish lie. 2, The second reason for this story is to try and make me look as dirty as that club of looters. Unfortunately for you, it cant hold now. Its too late. I know you are trying to destroy the little i earned at home. Just like you did in 1996,1997 and 1999..If you do, God will reward me 10 fold or more. He always did and will! But everything has its time. So you can go ahead and please yourself mr president. 3. Third reason is to threaten people from helping me, by trying to link them to a rebellion. . This rebellion is music to my ears. Its not bad at all as it sounds when its being alleged. Not bad story at all. We need to be told its extent, organisation, personnel, arms, support. Target, etc etc! Its gonna be intresting. So go right ahead and charge me, not for desertion, for thats not the real reason you assaulted the Entebbe International Airport,but for that alleged treason,bring it in the open. Its high time.,Just be informed am not afraid. Lastly a word of caution to those being used for this propaganda, you may be paid. But when the country sinks, you too will be chief guest at the sinking party. So we need to be mindful of what all this potends to our country. Gen David Sejusa Ugandan Sent from my iPad
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:06:34 +0000

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