Dear country men and women I want to air my views over the - TopicsExpress


Dear country men and women I want to air my views over the expulsion of afcon winning captain chris katongo... I want to category state that I am an advocate for a local coach, but in this case I feel that coach hona janza has crossed his boundaries and must consider before people like me begin to question his coaching ethics. I want mention also that I dont support in indespline, who ever is indesplined, must face punishment, but expulsion is far great a punishment for people who have been committed and loyal to mother zambia lik chris katongo...I personally dont like katongo from his tactics on the field, chisamba lungu impresses me better in that regard.but katongos level of despline lives a lot to be desired, he has never abundoned mother zambia not even for a second,we have people like mario buloteli, I dont think the can play under coach hona junza...when we say you are a coach, we dont mean that your duties end on your field of play, you can coach a player off the pitch to improve his moral attributes.wayne ronney for example, we all kno how indesplined he was, both on the pitch and off, but I think we are all impressed with the improvements he has made in the recent years, please mr hona janza, dont frustrate our efforts to grooming local celebrities.I am sure katongo was wrong in one way or the other, but u are the coach, exercise patience and reconcile. I dont want that dutchman to get your job, so please put your self together......oppinion
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:08:09 +0000

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