Dear facebook friends, Its been about 3 years since I posted - TopicsExpress


Dear facebook friends, Its been about 3 years since I posted anything non work-related, and certainly anything related to Middle Eastern Politics, the title of my degree at University. A large part of this reason was that, somehow, any support for the democracy of Israel or any denunciation of the terrorist group Hamas, leads to many people seeing you as a social pariah. I was worried that it would negatively impact my business, as well as alienating some friends. In the past week I finally cracked. I couldn’t leave certain posts unquestioned, or simply couldn’t allow some people’s prepostorously misguided and extreme beliefs to influence others. This week I’ve been called numerous names on facebook, including an “enemy of mankind” literally for believing that Israel has a right to exist. I’ve seen unprecedentedly large protests around the world that are so vociferous, so full of hatred towards Jews, protest that ironically embody the meaning of the word ‘disproportionate’. This post will not be a detailed political synopsis. The death of every single innocent person in this escalation of conflict is a tragedy. Everybody has their right to an opinion, I personally don’t agree with every decision the Israeli government makes. But to my friends who deny Israel’s right to exist, and who want Palestinians to have their own independent country, this is my message: Your emotive language is understandable, but please know that it wont help this situation. Some of you are posting about your own experiences in the region, about the long waits at checkpoints and tragic things you’ve witnessed. Please know that there are many reasons behind this reality, and genuinely try to understand them. I’ve refrained from posting my own experiences as I don’t believe it contributes to finding a solution. For the record, when I was 18 years of age I stood in Jerusalem with friends, deciding on what to eat - I was leaning towards the pizza stall about 50 metres away. Two Hamas suicide bombers had made their way into the city, with explosives that had been smuggled through a checkpoint, and blew themselves up… the first one at that pizza stall. They murdered 14 young people and injured over 150. When the first explosion happened, I ran. The second explosion went off moments later, exactly where I had been standing during the first. A car bomb was also detonated, to murder paramedics trying to arrive on the scene. This embodies the phrase ’targeting innocent civilians’. I’ll refrain from sharing how I felt that day, this is simply an account of what happened and I am thankful every single day that Hamas’ objective to kill all Jews (which is in their Charter) did not extend to taking my life. Friends, denying Israel’s right to exist will further delay the creation of a Palestinian State. As political scientist Ra’anan Gissin said in 2002 “We’re not visiting, we’re here to stay.” Let me tell you, all Israel has ever wanted is to be accepted by those around it, for it’s neighbours to agree that the only democracy in the region has a right to be there. Israel cannot make peace with a party who deny them the right to exist. Once you accept this, and cease your perpetual demonisation of Israel, peace and a Palestinian State will be a more likely prospect. To my friends posting about Israel’s shortcomings every day, but never criticising Hamas - you are unintentionally spreading hatred. You do it from a position of well-meaning but are having a direct negative impact on Israel AND the Palestinians. For the good of ordinary Palestinian people who want a life of prosperity, education, and peace, accept Israel’s right to exist and denounce Hamas. Please also know that there are SO MANY lies being spread around the internet to demonise Israel, including many images that are proven to be Muslim children killed in Syria by Assad. Israel are facing a morally perverse enemy on the ground and hoards of unscrupulous liars on the internet. As a European Jew, I am thankful every day that there is a Jewish state, especially given the vile outpourings of hatred towards Jews all over Europe this month. If my views disturb you, if they discourage you from being my friend or using my business, that’s absolutely your prerogative, you know where the ‘Unfriend’ button is. If you’d like to broaden your perspective and hear an alternative viewpoint to the ones you may be surrounded by, a viewpoint based upon historical context and facts, you know where I am.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:46:49 +0000

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