Dear family and friends, Well, God has a way of working on a - TopicsExpress


Dear family and friends, Well, God has a way of working on a guy to keep him focused on where God wants him. I have a confession to make; the last two months or so the Lord has been convicting me that we need to be doing more to prepare for going to Kenya as missionaries. While so many of the things required for ministry overseas have taken place, we still have not focused much time in developing a team of people who are committed to prayerfully supporting us behind the scenes here at home. I have been very busy with work and family life, so working towards Kenya has taken a back burner. It has been easy for me to say that I am waiting on the Lord and in His time he will make a way for us to go to Kenya, and then sit back and do little myself to work towards that goal. Well, a week ago God made it very easy for me to find time to work towards our mission goals. The company I have been working for since Feb, 2012 as a construction superintendent, had to lay me off due to lack of work. While this came as a surprise to us, I could not help but think about the irony. The job I had required many hours each day of my time. Twelve hour days were common. And while I really enjoyed my job, I was in a dilemma. Colossians 3:23 says that whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than men. How could I do a good job at work and do mission planning? Work was taking all my time and what little was left was needed by my family at home. Even though we might not understand why, it does seem that God has created some space for us to focus more specifically on mission preparations. While times might seem hard right now, we know that we can trust in God to provide. Yesterday morning during my devotions I was reading Psalm 68. Ironically the theme heading of the chapter was “Remembering God’s Glory and Power. Times and cultures change, but God is always majestically present as defender and provider.” While Melodie and I do not know what is next for us, we do trust that God will provide in his time and way. This brings us to a big fork in the road decision wise. One option we are praying about is the possibility of taking this time to take a trip around the States to visit friends and churches to share our vision for Kenya. While this is what I am feeling led towards I am not sure it will work out financially for us right now. If we do not take this time for a trip then I will need to find another job quickly to keep being able to provide for my family and work mission prep around that. Please keep our family in your prayers as we seek what to do next. Your input is needed! As we pray about this decision and seek the counsel of our elders there is a way you guys can help us in the immediate future. If those of you that who are interested in having us come visit and share what God has burdened us with would let us know, it would help us make some informed decisions. Ways to pray: -Pray that we will continue to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading in our lives and make a make wise decisions specifically regarding this possible trip -Pray that the Lord will bring people into our lives to complement our weaknesses in areas of mission planning and preparations. -Pray for our physical needs now, as without a job, housing and bills are going to be a challenge. We are anxious to see how the Lord steers our path in the near future. -Pray that we will keep our focus on Him and his will and not try and do everything in our own strength. In Christ, Kevin (and Melodie, Caleb and Aleah) Contact information: Phone: 803-431-1984 - Email: tmmkejr@gmail - Facebook: facebook/Kejrs4Kenya
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:06:51 +0000

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