Dear family & friends, In response to your many inquiries, I - TopicsExpress


Dear family & friends, In response to your many inquiries, I wanted to fill you in on Austin. It does appear she has a new brain tumor. She will have additional tests on Fri & the doctors will then let the family know their recommendations. I bid your faithful prayers as she heads out into yet another frightening journey. For those who dont know her, she is the most kind, unselfish, big-hearted, loving person I have ever known. For example, yesterday she held an art show where she, Brent & I had to each draw 3 animals. They were put on display & then the family voted for the best by placing money in cups. She chose where the first place earnings would go (Gregs friend Mr. Alan who helps pets), 2nd place would go to the Jewish Box at her moms church & 3rd to her car fund. She fixed it so her portion would be the least of the three. Truthfully, I was surprised she included herself as she doesnt usually. She never places herself first and will never let it be about me,me, me like so many her age. She is not a typical 8 year old. Lord God, please watch over and heal our Austin (aka, Sweet Pea)... Thanks to you all for your love & prayers. This is from my mom because I didnt know what to say.....We had 3 great days and I dont know what the future will hold but with Gods will and prayers that child will get through this ordeal and be stronger than ever....Please pray for her
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 01:10:51 +0000

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