Dear fb friends and family, I am in need of some words of - TopicsExpress


Dear fb friends and family, I am in need of some words of encouragement,i recently announced that i want to quit smoking,well,i guess this is my first step,i have cut down,i no longer wake up every hour for a cigarette,i no longer grab a cigarette when i first wake up,i no longer have to have a cigarette immediately after eating,im trying. You would think after my dad dying of lung cancer & my mom being on 24 hr oxygen & me,myself having asthma & copd,that would b enough,it certainly should b enough. I also know i have fought & conquered bigger wars than this in my life,but to me this seems to b the hardest. I KNOW i can do it & i know i NEED to do it,i know its gonna b my toughest battle but im gonna do it,i just need some encouragement. Thank u in advance,i luv u all
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 23:17:32 +0000

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