Dear fellow Americans. By promoting race riots in this country you - TopicsExpress


Dear fellow Americans. By promoting race riots in this country you Are literally destroying your childrens future. If you keep this up our children and grand children will live in conditions much worse than we have ever Imagined. What is your motive? Who is Influencing this Irrational behavior? What do you hope to accomplish by promotion division? Think of your sweet little grand daughters growing up in a lawless country. Think of your children and grands trying to get an education in times Of chaos! Think! At what price are you willing to sell your Childrens happiness in a free country like we have known? What will you feel you have Achieved when millions of Americans slaughter each other in the streets in lawlessness and pagan rioting? where there is enough Chaos for long enough people will choose ORDER rather than FREEDOM . Why are These ill motivated instigators Seeking to create chaos? Answer: They Have sadistic desires to place our country under the control of Tyrants! Wake up! By promoting racial division you are rushing the destruction of the American dream. If you keep Believing the lies that are being told you will make the teachings of Hitler a reality in our country . He said to tell big lies and keep telling them and people will accept the lies as truth . May God deliver us from those Who are seeking to deceive! Love thy neighbor as thyself. Let us all take to heart the awesome responsibility of passing on to the next-generation the same liberties that we have enjoyed . Let us seek to extend these freedoms to all who respect and live by our laws . Let us honor our Constitution! Let us make What ever sacrifices necessary to ensure that our children live free and happy on The United States of America... ONE nation under GOD!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 22:42:43 +0000

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