Dear fellow Oregonians (and all people beyond), We must ALL - TopicsExpress


Dear fellow Oregonians (and all people beyond), We must ALL come together toward putting an effective stop to the criminal actions of [so-called] officials within our municipal, city, county, and state offices. Such egregious violations of unalienable rights by those in [commercial] office/endeavor (such as those depicted in the attached video) MUST and WILL be dealt with effectively, to the fullest extent allowable under law. Natural common law, that is ... which is truly the law of the land. Not [under] statute law, as defined and enforced by violators of right (i.e., criminals)!!! thefreethoughtproject/oregon-celebrate-independence-day-no-refusal-blood-checkpoints/
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:50:20 +0000

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