Dear fellow trainee, As another year draws to a close, the - TopicsExpress


Dear fellow trainee, As another year draws to a close, the Collegiate Members Committee (CMC) is preparing for the Annual General Meeting. We are calling on interested trainees to nominate themselves, as representatives of NCHDs and the medical profession, to become a member of this very progressive committee. Within the Royal college of Physicians, the Collegiate Members Committee is considered the ‘voice of trainees’ and has now been recognised as a critical part of the development of postgraduate training. As trainees, we haven’t always been heard or been vocal about important issues that both directly and indirectly affect us. Indeed, for the vast majority of us, we didn’t even know about the existence of the committee until we got involved in changing it! However, we have been working hard and over the past 2 years to transform your trainee committee. We are now a committee everyone can and should be proud to be a part of. We have representation across all faculties and meet regularly with representatives from the college to discuss issues and initiate positive change. You can now find us easily on the college website, join us on facebook, attend and indeed present your research, audit or case presentation at our annual awards, dance at our college ball and give or receive career advice at our career open evenings! Our events are just one small aspect of what representing trainees actually involves. Within the college, we sit and represent trainee interests on the BST, ICHMT, Council and Examination committees. We are actively involved in all the working groups that are established within the college to deal with specific issues such as Acute Medicine, the Retention of Medical Talent and the EWTD group, to name but a few. We make a difference and our potential is endless. Our position is strongly supported by the college and particularly by recent initiatives such as the Exemplar programme, which was established with one clear aim: To improve our training. Representing trainees takes time, effort, commitment and a genuine belief that you can make a difference and work towards positive change. We all know how difficult things are at the moment, how many of our friends and colleagues have left and how uncertain the future is for us. This is not a time to take a back seat and wait for someone else to step up to the mark. We are calling on trainees who would like to join the CMC trainee committee of RCPI to put their names forward for consideration by completing the attached application form. Application forms should be submitted before 5pm on July 12th. Successful applicants will be notified before the AGM, which takes place on Wednesday July 24th (changed from 23rd July). All trainees, irrespective of whether you wish to represent trainees on the committee, are encouraged to attend the AGM and help define our goals for the year going forward. If you have any questions regarding the committee or would like further information please contact our administrator Ciara Hynes at [email protected] We look forward to seeing you all on July 24th!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 13:57:13 +0000

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