Dear followers and friends, Its with sadness and repudiation that - TopicsExpress


Dear followers and friends, Its with sadness and repudiation that Monty and the Join-Up International Organization have watched the show on Brazilian broadcast TV Record last night, with severe accusations on our image and reputation. Whereas all legal actions are being taken immediately, there are some important facts we would like to make public: - Monty Roberts is a 79 year old professional and has been working with horses for more than 70 years in about 30 countries in the world. About 3000 public demonstrations have been already given with more than 11 thousand horses worked in his career. 100% of the demonstrations have been photographed or filmed by at least one person in the audience. There is not a single scene in Monty Roberts entire life that shows Monty Roberts beating or treating a horse badly. - Monty Roberts has been to Brazil more than 5 times and have given more than 10 public demonstrations in the country for thousands of people. There has not been a single complaint regarding any animal that has participated in these demonstrations. - Monty Roberts does not travel with a film crew. All filming is done by the organizers of the events where Monty Roberts participates. All the footage presented on TV Record´s show was filmed by the Mangalarga Association Staff. Monty Roberts only asked the professionals that were filming the scene to show the cruelty that was being made to the animal, as he wanted to possess material that could show people how harsh the traditional methods still are in many regions all around the world. - Monty didnt instruct the people dealing with the horse as to how they should have done their method. Everything they have done came from their personal experience and knowledge. It was incorrect of the reporter when he says that Monty is asking the men in the arena to tie the horse in the pole. Monty is pointing to the pole for the videographer not to miss this scene of cruelty. This can be verified in the original, unedited film. - Everything would have been done anyway, as it was scheduled to happen by the organization, without any recording being saved. It was Monty Roberts who had the courage to ask for everything to be recorded so that it could be proven how horses are started in this harsh way. - There was a veterinarian requested by Monty Roberts, and there is no truth in the fact that the horse has died after the demonstration. - The horses were being kept in dozens of confined in tiny pens with bad footing (made of sharp rocks), and Monty complained to the organization about that. - Its partially true that Monty could have jumped in the pen and tried to stop the action. It might have been a mistake not to do it. At the same time, one has to think that Monty was not in charge of the demonstration, is a 79 year old man who doesnt speak Portuguese and was invited to watch. It is also true that almost a hundred people were watching the scene and not only no one tried to stop it, but cheering can be heard when the horse fell on the ground after being beaten. This was not shown on the edited video of last nights show. - Monty was given no chance to show his side of the facts. The reporter sent an email to Monty Roberts saying that they wanted to talk about the Join-Up method because there was many people who loved the latest TV report done about the method (the email is in the possession of Monty Roberts). There was a call then last Thursday, only a few days before the broadcasting of the show, with a completely different approach, clearly aiming to put Monty Roberts on the criminal side of the story. After that Monty Roberts has tried to reach TV Record many times through his representatives in Brazil to show his side of the facts, and no phone call has been returned. Its a sad day. For Monty, for his cause, and mainly for the horses. As stated, all legal measures are being taken. Monty has a deep admiration for Brazil, for its people, and how they are learning a new way to relate with horses. He thanks everyone for the supportive messages he has been receiving, and apologizes to people who are feeling betrayed after seeing these disturbing facts. He will do everything in his reach to bring the true facts public. Sincerely, Monty Roberts and family
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 14:08:10 +0000

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