Dear frequent visitors of 1001, As happy as we are to have your - TopicsExpress


Dear frequent visitors of 1001, As happy as we are to have your company on most occasions during the week, it is imperative that you all remember that the only RESIDENTS of this room are Kelsey, Allison, and myself. As the ONLY three residents of this room, we like to enjoy the use of our kitchen, common room, fridge, and personal space at our own leisure. This is a luxury that we have not been able to enjoy thus far in the semester because of our confused visitors. Just to help clear up the confusion, here are a few clarifications. 1. This is not a grocery store. What does this mean exactly? You are not welcome waltz in our room, open up our fridge and take whatever your entitled hearts desire. 2. We are not your mothers. What does this mean exactly you may ask? When we are kind enough to let you fellowship with each other in our room, you are expected to clean up after yourself. This is college, not middle school. 3. This is a room filled with three GIRLS. What does this mean exactly? This means never in our lives have we needed our toilet seat to be up. For those of you who desire to urinate with a lifted seat, it is expected that you will put it back down as a courteous MAN would. 4. With the exception of Trevor, this room does not have a closet for you. What does this mean exactly you might ask? There is no reason for you to feel the need to leave your clothes/school supplies/personal belongings in our common room/bathroom/kitchen. That is why the school is kind enough to give each individual student their own bedroom, bathroom, dressers, and desks for personal items. How considerate of them. 5. In elementary school we learned what our INSIDE voice are. What does this mean exactly? Exactly what it implies. There is no need for you to scream or have random outbursts of elevated voices unless there is an emergency (fire, shooting, stabbing, or snakes/spiders). Since these occasions rarely occur, I feel no need to hear screaming at anytime. I hope these clarifications have help with any confusion you may have had. Now, lets get back to enjoying our semester. Love, The ladies of 1001.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:00:31 +0000

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