Dear friend, I just want to say a big Thank You for joining my - TopicsExpress


Dear friend, I just want to say a big Thank You for joining my Facebook group called Christian Discussion Group - Setting Christians Free by the Truth. God has put this message on my heart to share with those, like yourself, who have joined this group. I am writing this message and sending it to you as a matter of extreme urgency. I cannot express to you how very very serious this message is you are reading. You need to share this message with all those you love and care for. Please.....PLEASE.......just spare Five Minutes of your time right now to read this message. I realise it wont be easy for you to read this because its certainly not easy for me to write this. But its the truth and every single person, whether Christian or not, needs to know the stark truth and the harsh reality of what is happening. There are certain events happening in this world RIGHT NOW that are going to DIRECTLY impact on you as a person. Harsh words I know, but Im not going to compromise or apologise for telling it like it is. YOU........YOUR FAMILY.........ALL YOUR LOVED ONES...........YOUR CHURCH............YOUR JOB.........YOUR FINANCES..........YOUR HOMES............YOUR POSSESSIONS.............YOUR MARRIAGE..........EVERYTHING..........WILL BE AFFECTED! So , MAKE THE EFFORT to read this entire message......PLEASE! The biggest mistake you can make right now is to ignore, deny or try to explain away what Im going to tell you now. You would be VERY foolish to do that. But, as I warned, there are things happening RIGHT NOW in places of the world that is going to impact on EVERY SINGLE human being on earth.........and VERY SOON! The first major catastrophe that we are going to encounter VERY soon is the TOTAL COLLAPSE OF THE US DOLLAR. It is not a maybe, or an if. According to numerous world leading financiers and economists it is a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY that the Dollar is going to collapse very soon. And because the American Dollar is the De Facto (reserve) currency of the world it means that when the Dollar collapses the world economy collapses. Im not saying these things to scare you, though Im hoping it would, but Im saying these things so that you can WAKE UP to what is happening in the world RIGHT NOW! This is NOT a joke people. This is REAL. This is happening whether you DENY IT OR NOT! Its time for us to stop playing Church or playing the fool with our eternal salvation. The reality is that if we are not right with God, and Christ is not our personal Lord and Savior, then we will NOT be prepared for the coming tribulation that is soon to break out on earth. DONT get too comfortable with your investments, your pensions, your bank accounts, your businesses and ANYTHING else that you think is going to bring you security. THEY WILL FAIL! You, and MILLIONS of others have absolutely NO IDEA of the absolute terrible times that are going to break out very very shortly on earth. In fact.......ITS ALREADY HAPPENING! Most governments of this world fully realise the pending and inevitable impact of destruction the collapse of the Dollar is going to bring to this world, and even though they are scrambling to execute certain measures against this, they actually realise they are powerless to stop it and are at the mercy of the events that will follow. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and making the effort to have read this far, so Im not going to take more of your time but just give you the horrific facts right now. CHRISTIANS WILL BE KILLED...... Jesus said “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other... (Matthew 24:9-10) Right now folks, Christians in America, the land of the Free and the Brave, the country that has In God We Trust on their Dollar bills, in the Court Houses etc, are arresting pastors and Christians for sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some are even being killed. If you go to my post in my Discussion Group you will see the screenshots of the videos I have posted there. GO CHECK THEM OUT. As I said, this is REAL and Its Happening...... God warned us this would happen.......AND NOW IT HAS! THE MARK OF THE BEAST (MICRO-CHIPPING) IS ALREADY HERE And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name (Revelation 13:17) It is becoming compulsory in America that EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN of the United States should have Health Care and along with it, have a microchip implanted under the skin of their RIGHT HAND. This was instituted last year on the 28th March and by November 2017 it is going to BECOME COMPULSORY that EVERYONE is chipped in America. Once that Financial system is in full swing it will be instituted in all countries around the world. THOSE THAT REFUSE TO TAKE THIS MICROCHIP....... I truly hate having to even write these words but this is extremely serious. The bible says that you will be handed over and you will be guillotine! And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands Revelation 20:4 Did you know that, despite an International ban on guillotines, President Obama ordered 30,000 guillotines last year and has deployed these in what are called FEMA camps across America? Right now, soldiers in America are being trained to use these guillotines on US citizens who will be arrested for opposing what is quickly becoming the New World Order. Did you know that RIGHT NOW American soldiers are being deployed in virtually every major city in America preparing for the declaration of Marshal Law (some sources say within the NEXT FEW MONTHS). The moment the Dollar crashes, caos will break out on a worldwide scale and marshal law will be declared world wide. WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS? Firstly, because its the truth. Its happening. Secondly, to WARN you and your loved ones to make right with God. If youre not a Christian then surrender your life to Christ and live for God and send eternity with Him. If you are a Christian then strive to live holy lives before Him and not allow the lustful traps of this world to rob you of your Christian joy. If youve read this far, it means youre serious about wanting to know the truth. But if youre still skeptical then do your own research. Go to YouTube and type in the following subject headings. Dollar Collapse FEMA camps Microchip Guillotines in America Christians arrested in America Alternatively, you can just copy and paste the following links into your browser and see for yourself: youtube/results?search_query=dollar%20collapse%20imminent&sm=1 youtube/results?search_query=martial%20law%20in%20america%202014%20&sm=1 youtube/results?search_query=fema%20death%20camps%20in%20america&sm=1 youtube/results?search_query=guilotenes%20in%20america&sm=12 youtube/results?search_query=christian%20persecution%20in%20america%202014&sm=1 If you go to my Discussion Group you will see some of the screenshots of just some of these videos depicted there. May I lastly, just ask of you a favor please? Would you very much mind sending me a Friend Request if you would like me to periodically write and send you updates on my discussion group? I would really appreciate that, thanks. If you dont wish to receive updates then you dont have to send me a Friend Request. God bless, Ron
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 06:15:57 +0000

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