Dear friends, “Be in the world but not of the - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, “Be in the world but not of the world.” For all student-practitioners of the Wisdom-Religion, the above words are very important and significant. Theosophy exists today to enable men and women to live in the world, but above and beyond the ways of the world. Theosophy condemns the idea of running away from the world, neglecting all duties and obligations, in the belief that thus one may be free from the yoke of karma. Such a selfish choice can never bring true spiritual freedom. Theosophy always emphasizes the right performance of every duty, to be free from the subjection of the lower, personal consciousness and kamic propensities; for this alone can free one from the bondage of personal existence. Otherwise, as soon as one returns to the world from his seclusion he would have to face again the enemies within and without. So it is best to live wherever and however one happens to be situated, follow the true precepts of the ageless wisdom, and fulfil ones responsibilities to the best of ones ability. (...) Each one at his own stage, in his own circumstances, with his own make-up, physical, mental, moral, spiritual, can come out and leave behind this world of darkness and try to live in the world of light and truth, of wisdom and compassion, of peace and joy. Best regards, Magda 000 *Reproduced from the text “WHAT IS TRUE DETACHMENT?”, by The Theosophical Movement esoteric-philosophy/2009/10/what-is-true-detachment.html#.U7phefldWAU _________________ Esoteric Philosophy has shared on Facebook the message above https://facebook/EsotericPhilosophy __._,_.___
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:59:51 +0000

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