Dear friends, DALIT/CHRISTAIN /MUSLIM /BANJARA/GADILOHAR SAMAJ/SANSI SAMAJ /OTHER TRIBES . Changes in government and also general depressed people thinking to lift the Masses in a uniform pattern. . • Parties of various firms have been set up in India, but one question come in the mind of common public which is the strongest party amongst them because i have to know the intensity and weakness of the firm. That we may concur that Congress and BJP is the only two parties in India, where they have rigidity and solid basis. It is apparent that both the parties have different nature in working style, however , one noticed that Congress has vote bank of Dalit and oppressed masses, but today scenario has shifted with this they have foundered in the regimen. • However, when we speak about the BJP then one can analyze easily that they are mainly for richest group like bania and other upper caste, but well this time modi entry can cause any difference or else they may take on whatever other technique for decreasing the post of Dalit reservation or else any other affair.As you are well aware that all the top post is acquired by the upper caste category and only class iv job is utilized by the Oppressed samaj for draining the sit and garbage .As the matter stand for equality of right that can 80% of the reservation category people have the right to enjoy the class- I job or not ? then the answer can come to your message inbox that no because our people do not know English though they possess an MA Degree and other trade. Good English is the primary element to our Dalit and oppressed class Samaj to overcome in the time to come, but our people are disregarding the actual current affair which is very vital and crucial to mount up the stride in parliamentary procedure to reach the platform for which our people deserves. It is fact that our people are not got support from the government becoz they did not raise the voice in front of government for getting the equivalent status . As the newer generation is really clever and aspirant therefore we desire to unify and fight with the discrimination for obtaining the equality of right in every domain.Today , when we across our achievement in cricket ,cinema ,sport , Adminsitration job, Cabinet,MLA , Seceratay no one have possess the seat .Why?Because no one tries to demand to the regime and if like me any person raises the voice then our people are not supporting each other . As the topic is very serious so I appeal to our Banjara/Muslim/Dalit/Christian/Gadi Lohar/Dhangar Samaj to bind each other and form the unity because we are a minority and we do not have any backbone to defend us. Now flash back about what congress has given to our people and BJP has done to our Banjara and other communal people .Now the ball is under our court,as every one known that that congress has given reservation therefore our people are eating twice time food in every day life . Whereas the BJP Party also come from the government during the period of 1998 that time they have to try to abolish the reservation and succeeded to transfer the reservation against the promotion and now the system is to continue manner where our Dalit people cannot guess about the higher post because the entire government are under their command. Further the BJP government has imposed the privatizisim and decrease the government job due to this implementation our people have become socially and economically backward. As a result all the dalit and even OBC are not acquired superior job in the government and other allied task which is a deep concern to our backward society. As a philosopher and thinker, I have lived through and bore out the case study around the caste discrimination where ever there is a Mandir and Brahmin, there people are generating the discrimination if there is no Mandir then people will not recognize the Pandit therefore try to do Pooja in our house rather than getting to the Mandir. It is the sources of income for them and their publicity and also making the enemity amongst us. While other upper caste are not experiencing that kind of spirit and jealousness to make the nuisance of discrimination. For getting the actual and fact news one can do the survey and get the exact position wherein the conclusion will be arrived on your desk board. On the other hand we may also get the information the entire media is under their control due to this our people cannot get the justice because wherever our community people need justice they divert the news and ensnare the dalit community people. Hence this is the general movement in India, where the Brahmin community add their masala and put the news in the radio Mirchi to pervert the common citizen of India and that is seen as an authentic news because people from the downtrodden community have to accept and belief the news channel. • On behalf of our organization I personally feel that the downtrodden community should be unified in order to present the befitting reply to the ruling regime and call for our proposal, particularly from the Maharshatra, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhyapradesh, Andhra Pradesh and North east area where the bulk of the people belongs to the tribes community and of course our Banjara population are established in every part. To eliminate the present arrangement the entire tribe community/Muslim /Christian /Dalit Samaj have to come ahead and maintain the amicable relationship to fight with the present organization and try to find the equivalent status for which are suffering since from the last 7 decades. It is truly sad to express the feeling that whenever the Brahmin community achieve something, then the entire media will throw more documentation and publish their word on the front page exposing them. But when it turn to the oppressed people they ignore us and plainly state that it might be done better than this so ultimately our people are demoralized. To set this incident we have to open our media and newspaper where we can exploit the message to the common people about the actual incident and also encourage to our people to express their real gift. Saying if we think deeply that all the minorities can bind together then at that place it will be ultimatum result, merely this can take place but when hungry people desire to get the bread and butter for their sustenance. So unity should maintain to get the success for this one unique example are cited below for the people who are innocent and cannot apply our mind to find out the meaning of unity. Once upon a time, there was a flock of doves that flew in search of food led by their king. One day, they had flown a long distance and were very tired. The dove king encouraged them to fly a little further. The smallest dove picked up speed and found some rice scattered beneath a banyan tree. So all the doves landed and began to eat. Suddenly a net fell over them and they were all trapped. They saw a hunter approaching carrying a huge club. The doves desperately fluttered their wings trying to get out, but to no avail. The king had an idea. He advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them. He said that there was strength in unity. Each dove picked up a portion of the net and together they flew off carrying the net with them. The hunter looked up in astonishment. He tried to follow them, but they were flying high over hills and valleys. They flew to a hill near a city of temples where there lived a mouse who could help them. He was a faithful friend of the dove king.When the mouse heard the loud noise of their approach, he went into hiding. The dove king gently called out to him and then the mouse was happy to see him. The dove king explained that they had been caught in a trap and needed the mouse’s help to gnaw at the net with his teeth and set them free.The mouse agreed saying that he would set the king free first. The king insisted that he first free his subjects and the king last. The mouse understood the king’s feelings and complied with his wishes. He began to cut the net and one by one all the doves were freed including the dove king. They all thanked the mouse and flew away together, united in their strength. • Nevertheless the same situation are there in Maharashtra where these people are trying to catch their hand to maintain the unity . Of course today the BJP Govt has inked the party in Maharashtra but still they are in dark horse because want top post for their ministry, but the BJP has refused their proposal so now they required alliance to make the majority. Such thing can be fetched in reality when one keeps abreast with each other and get to the binding relationship and Shivsena has the chance to demonstrate their skills to alter the scenario within 7days.So I convey to our people where there is unity there will be success .Of course it will take some time to bounce back in the actual rhythm . I hope my prediction will come true and no one can give up the vision for which people of Maharashtra intended to bring the justice and changes in the global marketplace. • Then at last I conclude that if three parties can combine together, though they are enemies to each other then why not our people can tie to each other for constituting a new team where we can get easily success and our aspiration will get straight. So lastly, I recommend to the oppressed class people to open our eyes and pick up the beautiful world where they can build their platform without any hesitation and compete with the Brahmin people, but it requires some strength and moral support so that each can remain firm with their own foot and triumph over them. With regards, Ar.Pravin Naik Social worker
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 13:00:46 +0000

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