Dear friends, Finally the rain storm we have all waited for has - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, Finally the rain storm we have all waited for has arrived. Last evening saw the heavens open, the rain really did fall like a blessing from God. This morning the air was crisp and clean, the streets washed, the dust has now been settled and I am sure most feel re-energised for all that lies ahead. Of course we understand that the rain is not always a blessing for everyone, in fact it creates huge challenges for the homeless, who now have one further problem keeping the little they have dry from one night to the next. Thankfully, we at St. Columba’s are aware of this constant duality that faces our community and we do try to share much of what we have with those who struggle when everyone else seems to be rejoicing. As one would expect the ongoing postal strike has not done us any favours, we are desperately trying to get stewardship material to the congregation, just for members to check their records and ensure that their contributions have been correctly allocated and our heartfelt appreciation is expressed to all who support St. Columba’s so faithfully. Not only has the postal strike affected our Stewardship communication, but, also the letters we send reminding the congregation and her friends of the ALL SAINTS SERVICE which takes place on the first Sunday in November, i.e. 2nd November 2014. Please remember that at this service we give thanks for the lives of all of those who have died, and those whose ashes are interned in the Garden of Remembrance. After all three services in the church, i.e. 8:00, 9:30 and 7:00 we have a short service of remembrance in the garden itself. If you have friends and/or family who do not get the weekly please remind them of this service as it doesn’t seem as if the postal workers are going back to work any time soon. The following Sunday is Remembrance Sunday, 9th November 2014. At this service we remember all of those who have died in active service and in all conflagrations since WW 1. We always read out the role of honour, and if you have any loved one who died in any of these instances, please let Bronwyn have their name, so that they may be remembered at this special service. Because the postal strike has affected a part of our ability to communicate with our congregation, we are going to start sending SMS’s to remind people of special services. Please can you ensure that the office has not only your correct email address, but also, a current cell phone number. Please remember that the Christmas Market is not too far away now and we need all the help we can get. The market is the success it is because of all of your help. If you can give us one, two or more hours over the weekend, we would greatly appreciate it. Included in the weekly is a form where you can indicate where you would like to help and this will be followed up with you. With so much happening in so short a space of time between now and Christmas, we need the rain to reinvigorate us to do all that needs to be done in the weeks to come. In closing may I thank you all for the wonderful response we had to the World Food Day appeal, to date we have raised R6500.00. This is a wonderful response and I will take the money with me on my next trip to the schools. Your friend and minister Chunky
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:50:06 +0000

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