Dear friends, I hope this finds you well with best wishes. Ive - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, I hope this finds you well with best wishes. Ive been on retreat in these hills and living mostly off the grid now :) BIG LOVE to everyone... all our old and new friends and for those that have passed-on. This work is dedicated to the blue Catskill Mountains, to the Hudson River and the Big Apple, to the big sky, to the waters, to breath and fire to heaven and Earth to all of New York and to all folks that have been working so hard across the country fighting against Hydraulic Fracturing - thank you! Dr. Caldicott graciously agreed to speak out and bring this message to New York City which is water-dependent on the Catskills and a major stake-holder in this issue. Please take a moment to check-out this event and please spread the word if you can. Thank you :) With love and gratitude, B. * LOVE * KNOWLEDGE * EQUITY * COMPASSION * PEACE * ***************************************** TOWN HALL MEETING Hydraulic Fracturing – Is NYC’s water supply being compromised? St. Mark’s In-The-Bowery, New York City, October 11th 2014, from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Noted activist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Helen Caldicott will be the featured speaker at a critical Town Hall Meeting event at St. Mark’s In-The-Bowery, 131 E 10th St, New York City. Admission is open and free. Dr. Caldicott is a world-renowned activist, author and expert on the dangers and ongoing consequences of nuclear radiation. Increased pressure to develop natural gas resources in New York State has raised concerns among upstate and New York City residents. As a responsible citizen response to that pressure, event organizer Benta (B) Vos enlisted Dr. Caldicott as part of a panel, with support of several local and international groups. “New York City cannot ignore upstate concerns on this issue; this is not an upstate/downstate issue,” Vos said. “Right now, New York City enjoys the world’s best water, and hydraulic fracturing threatens New York City’s key lifeline. New Yorkers deserve more transparency, including more and better energy alternatives.” Event organizers have invited leaders throughout New York City, including Mayor Bill De Blasio, to attend and together take a stand, demanding a permanent ban on this extreme, controversial practice. New York City’s dependency on water from the Catskills makes hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking,” an alarming threat, for several reasons: • The Marcellus Shale, where the fracking will take place, is part of New York City’s watershed. • The NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is not privy to the dangerous chemicals and other substances that are used in the process known as “fracking”. According to the DEP, these are trade secrets and not included in the health study. • Presumably, the DEP will be unable to regulate this industry and protect New York City water, nor groundwater in the Catskill Region, without even basic information on the details of the fracking process. • The DEP has no regulation in place that can adequately test for radiation in our drinking water, which has also emerged as a potential hazard of fracking. Radioactive radon and methane are released during the process of hydraulic fracturing. Methane is 20 times more potent as a global warmer than carbon dioxide. • Further, all these environmental effects threaten property values, including many second homes owned by NYC residents upstate. • Earthquakes and unusual seismic activity, occurring in other parts of the country in fracking areas, threaten our region and New York City in particular, due to significant fault lines extending down through Manhattan. This lack of transparency and accountability violates the rights of all New Yorkers to know what’s in our water and if we are being exposed to harmful chemicals or radiation in our daily lives and in the workplace. Interested citizens are cordially invited. Informational materials will be available; as part of the panel, there will be opportunity for people to speak and to be heard during the second half of the program. Space is limited. email: nycsense@gmail website: Co-sponsors: Catskill Mountainkeeper, Environment TV, Food & Water Watch, United for Action Special thanks to: St. Mark’s Church In-The-Bowery * LOVE * KNOWLEDGE * EQUITY * COMPASSION * PEACE *
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 21:34:15 +0000

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