Dear friends, I would like to share something personal with you - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, I would like to share something personal with you today. I grew up in a very strict religious community where I was forbidden to talk to girls. Because of this I was very uncomfortable around the opposite gender all throughout my life. I was shy and awkward and very self conscious about myself. I wore glasses up until I was 21, because I felt safe behind them, like no one could see the shyness in my eyes behind the thick frames. When I got Lasik eye surgery last year, I wasnt just deciding to correct my vision. I had hit rock bottom, and getting eye surgery was my way of going to the opposite extreme. No longer was I going to hide behind my glasses or undervalue myself. I was so sick of underachieving in life, of always playing small and falling short of my abilities. Instead I decided I was going to go the extra mile from now on. I got eye surgery to show myself that I wasnt going to let fear stop me anymore. Exactly one year ago today, about a week after I got my eye surgery, I was asked to do the first serenading girls video on ModelPrankstersTV, and I accepted. I was just doing it to challenge myself and to have fun. The experience definitely did bring me out of my shell, but it did so much more than that. The video immediately went viral and changed my entire life and career. Ive done over 30 serenading videos since then, and the series has over 10 million views and is featured on 6 different popular Youtube channels, becoming one of the biggest series on Youtube!!! It was almost like God was telling me he was proud of me for stepping out my comfort zone and this was his reward for my efforts. I am confident around women now and I have almost no fear of rejection in any area of my life. Now when I want something, I just take it. Because now I can look a person right in the eye and tell them exactly what I want. I’m no longer scared. I’m no longer hiding. Please don’t mistake this story as me being arrogant in any sort of way. I want to tell everyone who is reading this that when you are suffering with a problem in life, it is necessary to go to the complete opposite extreme, and you will see how quickly your life improves. I’m so happy to have 50,000 followers on Youtube and to be getting messages every single day from people who tell me Ive inspired them. I feel so connected to my fans. I am so lucky to have friends whove helped me make my album and who invite me to play concerts and, most importantly, who believe in me. The last year has been a dream come true, and I thank you all so much! My life has really become a life worth living and a life I can be proud of. Thanks for listening :) Have an awesome week! Sincerely Zalman https://youtube/watch?v=ZRurr2-BZ2A
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 14:25:56 +0000

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