Dear friends, It’s been a little while since I posted so I - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, It’s been a little while since I posted so I thought it was time to give you all a wee (or not so wee) update on how things have been progressing. Firstly though, I’d like to say how happy I am to hear the news that my old workmate Roy Cook has won his own battle with cancer and has been given the all clear, at least that’s what I’m led to believe and I hope it’s true. Cooky is a wonderful bloke and I know he has undergone quite an aggressive treatment programme but it was good to see him at the Livingston-Raith game recently and with a pint in his hand. If only the Rovers were as curable eh? There have been a whole load of great things happening recently and at least one miracle – the miracle being that, a few weeks ago on a trip to Tony Macaroni in Dunfermline, and despite me eating a plate of sea bass very slowly, The Seagull actually had her fill of her own plateful and didn’t once attack mine! Now that’s something I never thought I’d ever live to see (pardon the pun)! When I say ‘great things’, I suppose in the grand scheme of things they’re not particularly astounding, but to me they are. One such night was a simple invitation to my niece’s new house for soup and ice cream (they know the score ha-ha). Chelsea has recently moved in with her partner Dean, a lovely young fellow, and I was humbled that they thought of me and asked me over. Apart from spending a lovely few hours in their company I was able to wind up my nephew Lyle as well for being a Rangers fan when he could easily get a £30 season ticket for the San Starko. The clock is ticking young man!! Then followed a night out with a difference. How many of you have been to a Ceilidh Night Club? They do just that in St Andrews. My good friend Michelle and her friend Lisa who was up for a weekend, and Michelle’s daughter Alisha, and me all trotted off there for a bite to eat (or slurp in my case) and a night of Scottish dancing. Alisha and I were particularly dashing during the Gay Gordons. And last Friday there was a wee emotional moment with John Baird, the Queen of the South striker who of course scored Raith’s winning goal in the Ramsden’s Cup Final back in April. Bairdy had been hugely supportive since my diagnosis and I was really looking forward to seeing him when Queen’s visited Stark’s Park last Friday. Even though he scored for his club, I know how much Rovers mean to him, and the ‘manhug’ as soon as he saw me meant a lot. Bairdy’s a terrific guy and I hope he has a successful season with his new club, but not against us again…please. Last week also saw the lovely folks from BBC Alba back at Stark’s Park. I deal with a lot of media people, and because of who is in the league this year, quite a few radio and TV people, but I must say, Calum, Alex, Michael, Stef and Bethan from Alba are the nicest people to be around and I always look forward to seeing them, although I’m still sure Alex called me a tosser in Gaelic during the Ramsden’s Cup Final!! As for me, well I’m nearly in celebration mode. The 23rd October will be six months since my terminal diagnosis, and apart from swallowing, I can honestly say I feel great. Sure, a little tiredness is creeping in now and again, but nothing that is going to slow me down. I’ve often asked myself if this is all real? It had been expected that I’d be getting nearer the exit door by now, but here I am, large as life and still having fun. However I can’t be complacent. Just such an example of my complacency a few weeks ago at work showed me how very real the illness is, and just what the effects can be if I get too cocky. I won’t go into the gory detail, but stupidly I had attempted a ham roll. The result was being very unwell at work as the whole thing got stuck and wouldn’t shift, a drive home while continuing to be ill, and being practically wiped out for the rest of the night. That’s when it all hits home, and I realise that things are definitely getting progressively worse. However I still intend to be around for some time yet so remember those coffees!! I’ve also said before about how perspective changes with something like this. It’s sad when you see people who seem to want to be angry at someone or something all the time. Those who constantly moan about things when, if they just changed a little, smiled a little more, and realised that anger is such a futile way to spend energy, then maybe a little more love could be spread and they could actually find some contentment in their own lives. I was driving a few weeks ago to radio and noticed how the nights were drawing in and it occurred to me that I had probably just lived my last ever summer. But rather than feel sad, I thought back to just how good a time it has actually been, and all the good things that had happened and all the great people I’ve been surrounded by. The feeling as I recalled it all actually gave me a new burst of energy, another determination to keep going and make every day count. The sun may be setting on the days quicker, but it hasn’t set on my life as quick as some reckoned it would. More importantly though is the realisation how lucky I am to be given this time. I know the chances of being here next summer are slim, but so were the chances of me being here right now. The truth is though, none of us know what’s around the corner. Would you make every day count if you knew there might not be too many more left? Will you make every day count now? God knows there have been some horrific things happening in the world recently, and maybe those of us who have relative comforts should stop and count our blessings. Instead of wearing a frown, wear a smile. Wear your love and never stop telling those you love that you do. You just never know when the time will come that you wish you had done. Love Ally x
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:17:14 +0000

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