Dear friends, Let it be known that Ive done everything in my power - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, Let it be known that Ive done everything in my power to try and coerce this guy to come to the reunion. I think he regrets not coming, but had unbreakable plans. Since there will be a flurry of post 1994 biographies exchanged over a rather brief time, I thought his would be one worth knowing. If you want anymore, then ask Terry Hollen. - his hair does not normally look like that, but is the latest in a long line of really bad bets. - he started as a math major. Those of us who watched him nap in Mr. Mackies class could recognize this folly a full 18 months before he would. - he switched to philosophy and has even earned a PhD in philosophy and ethics from a legit grad school - even more amazing, he has managed to maintain gainful employment with such a silly degree. - he has written a book. Not some self-published fluff, but a hard-hitting academic tome. You can even buy it on amazon. I dont know that I could recommend it because it is really boring, has a pretentious title, and is expensive. It is, however, eligible for amazon at least theres that. - those of you who remember him as a good basketball player will be disappointed by the erosion time inevitably brings. That doesnt stop him from shooting every chance he gets. - he donated a kidney to someone because it seemed like the right thing to do. - I dont know anyone who works harder to make sure his life is capital M Meaningful.....or who always does the right thing no matter what the cost. There is no one I admire more and wish you all could know and hang out with Joe Bankard post-1994
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:02:41 +0000

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