Dear friends, On the Task of Christian Rosencreutz, Rudolf - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, On the Task of Christian Rosencreutz, Rudolf Steiner, Novalis and Mani, and their distortions in our time. An answer to the claims of Teresa Gahart: From the Apocalypse of St John by Emil Bock: It would be wrong to suggest that the degenerate Babylonian rites could no longer lead to a union of human souls with supersensible beings; but instead of higher Gods, lower Gods and eventually demons, gained the ascendancy. A religious life came into being which, instead of opening Heaven, unleashed the powers of the pit. In particular, a lust for autocratic power entered mankind-again, not through the secular side of life, but through the degeneration of religion. leaders and rulers eventually laid themselves open to possession by demonic powers, which prompted them to declare themselves as Gods, and to claim divine homage and automatic obedience. The Babylonian rites involve the human being uniting spirit with matter, that is, a materialisation of the spirit for personal gain - this is what Rudolf Steiner, calls Black Magic - evil. The Mystery of Birth and Death was the principle mystery of the fourth epoch according to Rudolf Steiner and it was answered and resolved by Christ who rescued not only the ego from death in the spiritual world in the life between death and rebirth but also the physical body from a second future death through His own Death and the Resurrection of the Nathan Jesus physical body - His resurrection body. We are now in the fifth epoch when the mystery of evil must be understood by human beings Mani - the leader of the Manichean Stream which united Zarathustras understanding of good and evil with Christinaity, will act from the power of the Grail Mysteries to achieve this by becoming incarnated in this century. What is the power of the Grail Mysteries? It is the power of transformation - Alchemy in our time is a recapitulation of the Mystery of the Third epoch. This was one of the many tasks of Christian Rosencreutz, that he lay the path through Alchemy for Rudolf Steiners spiritual science and a completely new initiation which had to be undergone in complete consciousness and which raised the material to the spiritual, rather than the Anti Grail initiation of Babylon, which brings the spirit into matter. The Grave or altar of the fourth epoch, which signified the death mysteries, has therefore since the renewal of the mysteries by Rudolf Steiner working on behalf of Christian Rosencreutz been replaced by the Rose Cross which is founded in the human heart itself where the alchemical transformation of the human blood through a connection with the spirit, spiritualises the entire human being by creating a new etheric heart. The etheric Heart becomes the altar upon which we meet the beings of the spiritual world each night and take to them the fruits of our work on earth. The Foundation Stone of Love (Meditation) was laid into the hearts of Anthroposophists at the Christmas Conference for this very purpose, to create a consciousness of this work. The altar in the spiritual world where stand Rudolf Steiner (Right/Red) and Christian Rosencreutz (Left/Blue-red) would not be manifested in a cemetery - why would it need to be? Why on a grave stone as a materialisation of spirit? For that would hark back to old Babylonian enchantments which sought to bring spirit down to the realm of matter. The altar is rather in our hearts where we must look for it where the two chambers carry blue (right) and red (left) blood - as a complementary opposite image of what exists in the spiritual world. An initiate would not need material evidence of this, having experienced it consciously in the spiritual world and understood it having the right discernment. Material evidence would only impede those who need to find this mystery from freely discovering it through supersensible vision. To continue upon Manis task, it will be to help us to understand how we transform the evil inside us into good at his altar. Rudolf Steiner names the pineal gland in the human brain as that place where what is founded in the heart during the day, is directed upwards to higher beings as good will or bad will at night. It is judged either worthy or not worthy. This occurs in the pineal gland. We know that the new heart will be in the head and has a connection to the pituitary gland - this Rudolf Steiner also says. It does us no good to be airy fairy and mystical, because we Platonists have a responsibility in our time to move from mysticism to Alchemy, we must state these things in the most scientific way possible. What does this have to do with Manis task of redeeming evil? In our time we learn to transform our selves through finding balance by overcoming extremes - Lucifer/Ahriman - the safest way to do this in our time is to unite concept and percept - that is to bring a wholeness to what we see around us in the world. This is the Alchemical Marriage, when we unite inside us the truth of the spirit behind all living things outside us. In our time only this path leads to ethical individualism - an ability to work out of freedom as a moral human being - that is a human being who does not merely believe because he is told to but who believes because he can see and know and understand for him/herself what morality is. This is how we penetrate into true reality, spiritual reality in our times by rising up out of the grave of our bodies and uniting with the spirit. We do this everyday, all of us, we are just not awake to it, we must become conscious of the spirit all around us - because this spirit is the moral will of the world. It flashes before us in complementary colours and after images - we take the spirit into us all the time but if we are not conscious, the elemental beings that carry this spirit into us become seized by Ahriman and Lucifer. That is how consciousness is a transformative power that redeems Ahriman and Lucifer who live in our concepts and percepts. Manis task is to usher in Manas and lead us into the imaginative sphere, the rhythmic system of the heart and lungs where Christ lives. Manis work is complemented by Novalis/John the Baptist/Elijah individuality in the realm of imagination. The power of imagination is a formative force according to Rudolf Steiner and Novalis/John the Baptist/Elijah had risen to an understanding of (antropos)Sophia because he Alchemically grasped the power of imagination. He spoke of this power, the power to bring understanding to what lives behind the matter we perceive in a very philosophical way. He says: The law of concept and the law of the object must be one - separated only in reflection-conceiving and beholding are one when they are related to the ego, divided when one reflects upon both without relating them to the ego. He believed because he saw. What Novalis experienced at night on Sophies grave was this transformation of the blood, he writes it down poetically: To Balm and ether is changed my blood By day are faith And courage my food At night I die In holy ardours mood To balm and ether is changed my blood Rudolf Steiner says is the transformation of the material into the spiritual within the human heart - that is the blood etherises (R.S 1st October 1911). This blood flows from the heart to the head. The spiritualisation of matter is the task of redeeming evil. The materialisation of matter is the desire of evil to bring spirit down and to put it in a grave. We see this in the horns of the beasts of the Apocalypse - etheric organs are heads when materialised they are horns. The whore of babylon sits upon the beast with seven heads and ten horns. Luciferic black magic materialises spirit and creates human beings that cannot see the spirit only its materialised manifestation - only graves and bones but we must see the rose cross, the spiritualisation of matter! I suppose all of the above might be seen as intellectualisations, but I would say it is seen to be so only by those who have not experienced it for themselves.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:04:57 +0000

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