Dear friends! We are happy to spread the news that more books - TopicsExpress


Dear friends! We are happy to spread the news that more books by Vladimir Megre are now translated in Estonian and Finnish! This is how Estonian and Finnish V.Megre books publisher, Allan Kalve, describes the history of making the translations: The idea to establish OÜ Siberi Seeder was born a while after I had read the first two books of Vladimir Megre’s series “The Ringing Cedars of Russia”. The books touched me very deeply, I was so inspired by Anastasia’s divinely natural lifestyle and philosophy, as well as the miraculous healing power of the indigenous Siberian Cedar that I wished to get better acquainted with them. My work at the time often took me to Russia and I was buying cedar nut oil from St. Petersburg for my own consumption. I also informed other readers of the books about Anastasia of the opportunity to buy cedar products and soon the amounts grew too big for importing as a private person. This is how OÜ Siberi Seeder was born. We started publishing books in 2010. In Estonian, we started with the last two books: Uus tsivilisatsioon II – Armastuse kombestik (2nd part of V. Megre’s 8th book) and Anasta (V. Megre’s 10th book). In 2011, we started publishing the whole series complemented by the author in Estonian and Finnish. Chronology: • OÜ Siberi Seeder was founded on the 3rd of October, 2008. The principle activity was sales of the cedar products produced by OOO “Megre” in Estonia, we also opened our online store • In 2009, we commenced selling the products in Finland, at the same time, we opened our online store in Finland • In 2010, we became the official representative of OOO “Megre” in Estonia and Finland. • In 2010, we started publishing the book series “The Ringing Cedars of Russia” in Estonian. • In 2010, we started publishing the book series “The Ringing Cedars of Russia” in Finnish. • By 2014, the whole series had been published in Estonian. • By 2015, we will publish the whole series in Finnish. • In 2015, we will start publishing the books in electronic form (e-books) in Estonian and Finnish. • The author of the book series, Vladimir Merge, has promised to come and meet the readers in Estonia and Finland in 2015. Today, we have published in Estonian:,4.html • May 2011 - Uus tsivilisatsioon – Armastuse kombestik (2nd part of V. Megre’s 8th book) • October 2011 – Anasta (V. Megre’s 10th book) • December 2011 – Anastasia (V. Megre’s 1st book) • March 2012 - Venemaa helisevad seedrid (V. Megre’s 2nd book) • May 2012 - Armastuse atmosfäär (V. Megre’s 3rt book) • October 2012 – Loomine (V. Megre’s 4th book) • December 2012 - Kes siis meie oleme (V. Megre’s 5th book) • November 2013 - Suguvõsa raamat (V. Megre’s 6th book) • March 2014 - Elu energia (V. Megre’s 7th book) • November 2014 - Uus tsivilisatsioon (V. Megre’s 8th book) Today, we have published in Finnish:,25.html • November 2011 - Anastasia (V. Megre’s 1st book) • February 2012 - Venäjän soivat seetripuut (V. Megre’s 2nd book) • May 2012 - Rakkauden tila (V. Megre’s 3rt book) • October 2012 – Kansaluominen (V. Megre’s 4th book) • January 2013 - Keitä me olemme (V. Megre’s 5th book) • October 2013 - Suvun kirja (V. Megre’s 6th book) • January 2014 - Elämän energia (V. Megre’s 7th book) • October 2014 - Uusi sivilisaatio (V. Megre’s 8th book)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 11:19:15 +0000

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