Dear friends, Yesterday I lost a dear friend. On January - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, Yesterday I lost a dear friend. On January 7th., 2015 I lost another dear friend. We go about our business everyday, not knowing what tomorrow brings. One friend was only 37 years old. A great young man, energetic, full of life, compassion, loyal to his family and a few good friends. At any given time he would be there for his family and true friends. The word friend, too often its used too loosely. Well hes gone, but he will never be forgotten by his family and true friends. Yesterday, I lost another good friend. A man of integrity, nobility, generous, caring, and spiritually affecting a human spirit. His name is Joseph Attonito, one of the co-founders of Bringing Our Jobs Home. He was 68 years old. Today we believe we walk among the living. In reality we are walking among the dead. Were here today because of our forefathers and those who fought and continue to fight our battles are the brave men and women of the Armed Forces of these United States of America. They shed their blood, sacrifice, limbs, and families so we may walk and go about our daily lives in freedom. But millions of Americans cannot achieve a life of prosperity. Are they forgotten, or are they neglected? I believe they are neglected. Joe, myself, John Pennacchia, Rich Pezzullo and Mike Grasso were the original founders of bringing attention of the dangers of outsourcing. Whats odd, our surnames is of Italian American origin. But in reality, we are Americans. It doesnt matter what our heritage is from, it only matters if we are called upon to defend our country of ours, we will defend it at all cost, including from our heritage place of origin. We all believed, although we are all Italian Americans, we are Americans first. It doesnt matter what party affiliation we belonged to, it only matters we are all Americans. Joe Attonito was not only a profound leader in business, once employing hundreds of teamsters, before selling his portion of the business to his partners and moved on to Florida for a better life enjoying his golden years, only to be cut short, but he served our Nation well as a Navy Seal during the Vietnam Era. Yesterday, January 17, 8:45 PM, Joe passed on. In the next few months, on behalf of my two close friends, I will put together an itinerary of solutions in turning our nation around. Being in business has its flaws, especially when the people who hold the reins of power doesnt appreciate the sacrifices employers make. I couldnt leave on time because of my responsibility to my company, employees, and their families. I just wasnt there when Joe passed on. I couldnt make it to Roccos wake because of the stress that beard upon me, setting forth my vertigo systems. Sometimes I want to ride the wave of the entitlements. At least I can take vacations, see my friends, especially when in need at their final moments in life, and having no responsibility in meeting payroll, payroll taxes, regulations, including environmental regulations, insurances, including health insurance, liability and disability insurances, sales taxes, property taxes, meeting the requirements by law to pay an equal amount on your employees social security taxes. Having said this, I believe many of our elected officials are a bunch of blunders. They do not understand what it takes to stay in business and the heartaches, frustrations meeting all the regulations to stay in business. Most individuals, families and businesses are in a holding pattern. With so much uncertainty about the future combined with the instability created by Washington, the risks are simply to great to aggressively invest in starting a business, creating new jobs or simply raising the economic outlook of existing employees. I know this because I am a business owner. I face these issues every day not as a politician, but as someone with a group of loyal employees with families who count on me. Companies focused on emerging technologies, disruptive new products and other growing segments of industry have been flourishing overseas while Americans and Unions are heading to the chopping block. A Time for Accountability! Every individual in America has bear witness to the effects of the damaging free trade laws that has been bestowed on the American people. Free trade has led Americans to a road block. Poverty across our Nation has hit a critical standpoint unlike anytime in our history. There are more people on the poverty line than the depression era of 1929. Our political leaders are inept in there leadership; concerning, the needs, the interest, the hardships and triumphs of the American people. Its a sad time in America. Like so many of my fellow Americans I am frustrated with, and in some cases ashamed of, our elected representatives in Congress and the White House. With a government shutdown that was in effect, a National debt ceiling debate at a near standstill, turmoil in the Middle East, terrorism overlooking our shoulders at home, the outlook for economic growth in 2015 is not a pretty picture. What is often lost in all the finger-pointing and political posturing is the lost momentum, and the embedding of uncertainty, in our nations business community, our political system and broader global ecosystem. The media does not make it easier to discern truth. We are treated to reports about unemployment, business growth, the overall strength of our economy and foreign National affairs that are inherently misleading – comparing todays lack luster results with opportunistic benchmarks established during the darkest hours of our economy. Too often we allow unstable investors without the financial backing to invests in many parts of our communities. In many cases these developers seek assistance from the city, state and federal independent developing agencies on the back of the tax payers. If they go under or the project isnt finish the tax payers become the losers and end up holding the bag (loss). We need solid investors to develop in our communities throughout our Nation. We dont need investors to promise us hope and a dream on tax payers money and than receive tax incentives for moving into our communities. This is not good business but a risk on the tax payers back. Tax breaks yes, but they need to have the financial resources to invest in our communities throughout our Nation so tax payers dont pick up the tap if they go out of business or arent able to complete the project. Also our municipality should put out to every prospective project to perspective developers an RFP (request for proposal). Too often prospective developing projects are handed out to friends with the IDA (Industrial Development Agency) grants. This method needs to stop. Nepotism must come to an end in developing in our communities through their friends in municipalities throughout our Nation. We also need renderings, cost effect, overruns, penalties if projects arent completed on time if public grants are used. We also need to know the gain advantage for the tax payer and municipality once the project is built for the developer while tax incentives are given to attract these growing companies. Our local, state and federal government should help, offer the best possible tax proposal, but it also must meet the needs of the municipality and the residents of of our communities. We also need to make sure there’s a solid base of jobs outside of technology – jobs that can provide a solid, stable and secure income for our citizens. This includes a revitalization of the retail, manufacturing and civil service segments of our job base. While our elected officials should be complimented, their elected position should not be mistaking as a job, but a mission to explore every opportunity to secure the resources available from each State of the Union that they serve, the Federal Government and private investors to infuse the residents of our communities with sustainable projects that will benefit our communities, its residents and their municipality while respecting our natural resources and lifestyle. In memory of Rocco J DeNisco and Joseph Attonito, Frank J Spotorno Yonkers, NY 01/18/2015
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:45:38 +0000

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