Dear friends, You are cordially invited to attend the MAT - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, You are cordially invited to attend the MAT Classroom Research Project Symposium.which will be held at Al Quds / Bard Honor College for Arts & Sciences. at Al-Quds University Campus in Abu Deis Jerusalem. Please note that my Classroom Research Project (CRP) entitled The Impact of Using the K-W-L Strategy for Improving Reading Comprehension on Ninth Grade Students Reading Achievement is going to be presented and discussed at 02:15-02:35 p.m. I am looking forward to seeing there in due course. Your attendance is highly appreciated. Best regards, Majed Awad P.S.: Kindly find the attached invitation and schedule for the MAT Classroom Research Project Symposium. --------------------------------------------- Invitation Al Quds / Bard Honors College for Arts & Sciences/ Master of Arts in Teaching Program ( MAT ),would like to invite you to attend the MAT Classroom Research Project Symposium. Day and Time: Saturday the 24th of May 2014 (09:00-15:00) 09:00-09:45 Opening Ceremony Venue: The Arabic Poetry Hall (The main theater) 10:00-15:00 4 Parallel Sessions - students will be presenting their classroom researchprojects in a various disciplines : Mathematics, History, Science, Biology, English. Venue: Al Quds Bard College building, Rooms #:ST104, ST105, ST106, ST107 Your attendance is highly appreciated. ---------- Classroom Research Project Symposium Saturday May 24, 2014 9:30 to 9:50am Welcoming remarks Dr. Munther Dajani/ AlQuds Bard Dean Dr. Rana Surkhi/ MAT Director 10:00am to 12:00 Parallel Session 1 Math Room 104 History Room 105 Science Room 106 English Room 107 English Room 103 12:00 to 12:45pm Coffee Break with Poster Session 12:45 to 3:00pm Parallel Session 2 Math Room 104 Science Room 106 English Room107 Biology Room 105 Parallel Session 1 /Math Committee: Dr. Intisar Natsheh/ Dr. Jeanne Albert/ Dr. Khaled Salah 10:00-10:20am Student 1: Rand Sarahneh The effect of using games on 5th grade students’ learning of fractions. 10:20-10:40am Student 2: Ghadeer Qawasmi The effect of using cooperative groups on student learning in division 10:40-11:00am Student 3: Neveen Tamimi The effects of practice homework on subjects from 1st semester on math achievement of 5th grade students in the 2nd semester 11:00-11:20am Student 4: Rawand Masri: The effect of using cooperative learning in teaching algebra on 7th grade students 11:20-11:40am Student 5: Amani Raiyan What is the effect of using active learning on eighth graders’ learning of integers? Parallel Session 1 /History Committee: Dr. Sami Adwan/ Dr. Khansaa Diab 10:00-10:15am Student 1: Laila Hoshea The impact of role play on the achievement of students in History 10:15-10:30am Student 2: Feda Eid The right to information, The missing texts in history contents: The use of field visits 10:30-10:45am Student 3: Maram Qawasmi The role of teaching multi-historical concepts on improving the thinking skills 10:45-11:00am Student 4: Jamal Salem The effect of using of cooperative learning in Teaching History on pupils understanding and mental and social skills 11:00-11:15am Student 5: Tarik Jebril The role of maps in forming the identity of students 11:15-11:30am Student 6: Areej Jamjoum The use of internet in teaching history 11:30-11:45am Student 7: Aws Hamdan The effect of teaching multi historical narratives on improving critical thinking skills among 11th grade Parallel Session 1 /Science Committee: Dr. Ayman Khalifeh/ Dr. Awwad Sharaf/ Dr. 10:00-10:20am Student 1: Ahmad Abu Khalil Using Computer Simulations to Promote 11th-Grade Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Learning the Principles of Static Electricity توظيف المحاكاة الحاسوبية في تنمية مهارات التفكر العليا لدى طالب الصف الحادي عشر علمي في تعلم مبادئ الكهرباء الساكنة 10:20-10:40am Student 2: Hanan Nassar 10:40-11:00am Student 3: Nidal Abu Areesh Employing Directed Inquiry Approach In Developing 11th Grade Students Critical Thinking Skills In Learning The Principles Of Static Electricity 11:00-11:20am Student 4: Tawfeeq Hroub Employing Inquiry-Based Teaching Strategy in Developing 10th Grade Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Genetic Applications توظيف اسرتاتيجية الاستقصاء في تنمية مهارات التفكري الناقد لدى طلبة الصف العاشر الاساسي في تعلم التطبيقات الوراثية 11:20-11:40am Student 5: Adla Jwailes Using Drama Techniques and Activities to Promote 4th Grade Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Learning the Basic Concepts of the Ecosystem توظيف الدراما يف تطوير مهارات التفكري العليا لدى طالب الصف الرابع االساسي في تعلم االمفاهيم الاساسية في موضوع النظام البيئي 11:40-12:00am Student 6: Falasteen Maharmeh Employing Interactive Computer Simulation In Promoting11-Grade Student Conceptual Understanding Of The Basic Concepts In Static Electricity Parallel Session 1 /English Committee: Dr. Omar Abu Hummus/ Dr. Samir Rammal 10:00-10:20am Student 1: Merivat Samman Improving 6th graders’ speaking skill through Drama techniques 10:20-10:40am Student 2: Hana Jawabri Using Skimming and Scanning to Enhance Students’ Comprehension of Reading Texts 10:40-11:00am Student 3: Rana Khalafawi Improving reading for young learners by using cooperative learning procedures and techniques 11:00-11:20am Student 4: Lama Abuarqoub Using Process Writing and Free-writing to Improve 10th Graders Writing Skills and Promote their Motivation Towards Learning English Language 11:20-11:40am Student 5: Iman Habbahbe Teaching vocabulary through reading stories 11:40-12:00am Student 6: Ilham Rayyan Enhancing writing skills by using journal writing Parallel Session 1 /English Committee: Dr. Adnan Shehadeh/ Dr. Rana Surkhi 10:00-10:20am Student 1: Ahmad Abhari Using Reciprocal Teaching to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills for 8th. Grade Students. 10:20-10:40am Student 2: Shawqia Salameh The Effect of Using Reciprocal Teaching on Improving reading Comprehension Skills for 11th. Grade students 10:40-11:00am Student 3: Ayman Hussein The Impact of Using analytical rubrics on Improving and Motivating students in Writing 11:00-11:20am Student 4: Abeer Jibreen How process writing improves 11th graders writing skills 11:20-11:40am Student 5: Yousif Qaraqi Using Vocabulary Drills to Enhance Writing 11:40-12:00am Student 6: Rasheed Rasheed The effect of Training Novice teachers on Classroom management on Teachers Performance and students Achievement 12:00-12:45 Coffee Break with Posters Parallel Session 2 /Math Committee: Dr. Intisar Natsheh/ Dr. Jeanne Albert/ Dr. Khaled Salah 12:45-1:05pm Student 1: Merna Bannoura How did active learning affect my 4th grade students in learning Fractions? 1:05-1:25pm Student 2: Rawda Dweak The effect of cooperative learning on 4th grade students learning of fractions. 1:25-1:55pm Student 3: Kholoud Abu Awad The effect of using active learning on teaching exponents at ninth grade students’ achievements, motivations and attitudes 1:55-2:15pm Student 4: Lina Jawabreh The effect of using activities on 8th grade students learning of quadrilaterals 2:15-2:35pm Student 5: Nadia Jaber The effect of 7th grade teachers participating in mathematical problem solving workshops about geometrical measurement on their teaching and on their students learning Parallel Session 2 /Science Committee: Dr. Ayman Khalifeh/ Dr. Awwad Sharaf 12:45-1:05pm Student 1: Fatima Awwad Using PHET Interactive Simulations in Learning Electric Circuit Design for Ninth Grade Students 1:05-1:25pm Student 2: Mashhour Al Batran Employing Inquiry Based Learning in Developing Science Argumentation Skills of Eight Grade Learners in Learning the Unit of Atmosphere and Water Vapor توظيفُ الاستقصاءِ في تطويرِ مهاراتِ الجدل العلمي لدى طلبة الصف الثامن الأساسي في تعلم وحدةِ الغلاف الجوي وبخار الماء 1:25-1:55pm Student 3: Nidaa Jibril Impact of the Learning Center on Learning Plant Tissues Unit for Ninth Graders 1:55-2:15pm Student 4: Samar Al-Kadi Impact of Learning Centers on Teaching Fluid Pressure for Tenth- Grade Students 2:15-2:35pm Student 5: Sanaa Amro Developing Students’ Self-Learning for Seventh Grade Students Through Multi-Teaching Strategies of Chemical Compounds 2:35-2:55pm Student 6: Samia Altlhami Impact of Using Learning Centers on Ninth grade Students Learning Styles and Motivation to Learn Electricity. 2:55-3:15pm Student 7: Parallel Session 1 /Biology Committee: Dr. Khansaa Diab/ Dr. Mutaz Akkawi 12:45-1:05pm Student 1: Bilal Hushiea اثر استخدام البيداغوجيا المعكوسة في تطور تعلم العلوم للصف العاشر -وحدة الموائع الساكنة 1:05-1:25pm Student 2: Wael Sultan اثر استخدام المشاريع التعليمية في مجموعات صغيرة على تعلم وحدة المنظفات الكيميائية لطالبات الصف الحادي عشر العلوم الإنسانية في مدرسة بني نعيم الثانوية للبنات 1:25-1:55pm Student 3: Manal Saleh أثر استخدام مشاريع البحث الصغيرة في مجموعات على تعلم العلوم لدى طالبات الصف التاسع في وحدة النبات الزهري و تركيبه 1:55-2:15pm Student 4: Shadi Fakhouri أثر استخدام استراتيجيات فعالة في تدريس موضوع الطحالب و الفطريات لطلبة الصف الحادي عشر العلمي على دافعية وتحصيل الطلاب 2:15-2:35pm Student 5: Mona Isayed اثر تطبيق استراتيجية مجموعات الجيكسو التعاونية في التعلم النشط على تعلم الاحياء في وحدة الكائنات الحية الدقيقة للصف الحادي عشر العلمي 2:35-2:55pm Student 6: Mohammed Raqaban اثر استخدام المحاكاة الحاسوبية على تعلم مهارات توصيل عناصرالدائرة الكهربائية وحساب المقاومات الكهربائية لدى طلاب الصف التاسع الاساسي Parallel Session 2 /English Committee: Dr. Omar Abu Hummus/ Dr. Samir Rammal 12:45-1:05pm Student 1: Mohammad Rabba Improving spelling through learning vocabulary for primary grades students 1:05-1:25pm Student 2: Suad AbdelAl Toward enhancing reading skill through Jigsaw activities 1:25-1:55pm Student 3: Dalal Jayyousi The Effect of Written Feedback on Students writing 1:55-2:15pm Student 4: Bassam Qadomi The Process of Writing: Training Activities for Secondary School students. 2:15-2:35pm Student 5: Majed Awad The Impact of Using the K-W-L strategy for Improving Students Achievement in Reading Comprehension. 2:35-2:55pm Student 6: Shadi Irjoub “How does Role Play help improve the sixth grade students’ Speaking skill?” 2:55-3:15pm Student 7: Ibtisam Khalilo Using storytelling to develop the speaking skill of 8th graders . . .
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 04:19:30 +0000

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