Dear friends: You have probably seen on the news what is - TopicsExpress


Dear friends: You have probably seen on the news what is happening in Brazil. To a few of you I have expressed my dissapointment with our governors, their greed, their corruption schemes and how we pay tax rates amongst the highest in the world. In return we get terrible roads, dangerous streets, corrupt police, about the worst educational system in the world, poor health care, and are subject to blackmail of tax auditors, port and airport customs agents and other actions considered as crime in any decent country. On the other hand we building nice stadiums (granted they are not as nice as the ones in Europe, US or Asia) but they are expensive and served as a channel for politicians and their friends to add yet more cash to their fat wallets! Check out this video, it is in English and it gives you a hint of how our government rips us off everyday. You have no idea what it is like to see such outrage and feel helpless. But maybe there is hope, I am praying these street demonstrations will show the world a bit of our problems, believe me they are countless. Spread the word, the internet is here to assist us all in getting some good info out, make this one one of them - share. Thank you all, God Bless Brazil and all the brave Brazilians who have to put up with such abuse by their government...
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:15:24 +0000

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