Dear friends all over the world, BELOW IS THE BEST TEXT TO - TopicsExpress


Dear friends all over the world, BELOW IS THE BEST TEXT TO EXPLAIN WHAT IS EUROMAIDAN REVOLUTION ABOUT - in full, with references. by Aleksandra Kovaleva Dear citizens of the EU countries. Today our President Viktor Yanukovych has become a new Ceausescu when dispersed a peaceful rally, crushing heads of 19 year old students, elderly and girls. Cobblestones on the main square of the country are covered in blood. These people were in favor of Ukraines integration with Europe and the European future of our country. youtube/watch?v=28txCv_TV2Q Reading materials in the foreign press, talking to you in person, listening to your why do you need in the EU, it is so bad, I came to the conclusion that you do not understand what is happening in Ukraine. Please allow me to explain it to you. The matter is not in the EU. Its not in your Schengen zone, not in your abstract values or other brainwash. The matter is as follows: Our so-called president was twice imprisoned for robbery in his youth. Our so-called prime minister does not speak Ukrainian. None of them speaks English. All our courts are corrupt and work for the interests of the Yanukovych mob family. The raiders are scavenging the country. Our police officers are raping women, killing people and avoiding prosecution: Sons of our members of the parliament and the MPs themselves kill people, drive drunk and never end up in prison kyivpost/content/ukraine/deputy-in-second-fatal-auto-accident-19526.html All road police officers extorts bribes on the roads. They don’t uphold the law or stop traffic rules violations. They are just racketeering : youtube/watch?v=Ul_yDZgFEDo In Scandinavia, the king rides a bus, your ministers are riding bikes. Thats our president and prime minister go to work : youtube/watch?v=Eoa_6L-Osp8 youtube/watch?v=ftnX_yN8SpU All roads on the route are closed for 20-40 minutes. Mortals are pushed to roadsides and forced to waiting. It happens several times a day. In rare cases when they can not block traffic, the guards of our Prime Minister curse on drivers and damage their cars: youtube/watch?v=gtJGUkg0-vg What do Ukrainians do? They honk from their cars to protest : youtube/watch?v=94xXhGO7vAw Does this help ? Of course not. You say Ukraine is heavily dependent on Russian gas, and Russia. Lets check. Ukraine produces about 21 billion cubic meters of gas per year. For comparison, Poland’s GDP is 3 times bigger, while they annually consume less than 15 billion cubic meters. Ukrainу should have enough of own gas. Why do we buy each year in Russia more than 30 billion cubic meters of gas and where its all going to, I do not know. Perhaps we should asked the state monopoly - Naftogaz Ukrainy. You say Ukraine dependent on exports to Russia. Its true. ¼ of all Ukrainian exports go to Russia. Do you know where is still ¼ Ukrainian exports? To you. To the EU countries. We can cope with the loss of trade relations with Russia. Especially that the agreement with the EU implies the expansion of trade with Europe. Same Poland coped with these difficulties very quickly. Lets compare the prices in Europe and the Ukraine. Dress in Berlin - 50 euros - zara/de/en/woman/dresses/tube-dress-c269185p1294905.html the same dress in Kiev - 65 euros - zara/ua/en/woman/dresses/tube-dress-c269185p1294905.html cheese: France - 2 euro -, -œufs/fromages/pointe-de-brie/id1/466/16839 Ukraine - 7 euros - milk: Poland - 0.70 euro - Ukraine - 1.1 euros -молоко+незбиране&g=0 Continue ? Now lets compare the salaries : The average salary of a surgeon in Ukraine is less than 300 euros per month. And what is the earnings of EU surgeons ? en.for-ua/news/2013/04/16/161041.html The average salary in Ukraine 320 euros, and what is your salary ? Where all the monies of those underpaid people and their taxes are going to? Lets have a look: Among the many real estates of our president: new mansion of Yanukovych near Kiev. Several pools, lake, golf course. Area - 1.8 hectares : + 30 hectares of forest. From the estate to Kiev to our president enjoys a separate lane on the road. And this is his summer house. Our president has bought more than 3 hectares from the national park Cape Aya for only $ 800 000. Forget the fact that it is illegal, to sell a national park! But why is it so cheap? ( 100 sqm apartment in nearby Sebastopol costs an average of $ 70 000 ) Probably because hes president. This is only a partial list of how successful Yanukovych family is. His older son – Alexander - now on 32nd place of the wealthiest people in Ukraine – in April 2012 he had ONLY 187 million USD and within 7 (!) months increased it 3 times - to 510 million USD ( Yanukovych’s family shadow cashier – 27- years old hotshot billionaire Sergey Kurchenko within 2 years of his appearance rocketed to the 7th wealthiest position in Ukraine with 2.4 billion (!) USD. ( I will not remind how Yanukovych clan removes its rivals and former friends. Look on the Internet - Yevgeny Shcherban, Yevgeny Kushnarev, Georgy Kirpa, Zinoviy Kulik. See how they died. Can not prove anything, but I do not insist. Yanukovych is not the KGB, not Lukashenko, not Putin, not Ceausescu. He is a bandit. Behind him is his mob family - Yanukovych Jr., Rinat Akhmetov, Sergei Lyovochkin, Dmitry Firtash etc. All they steal from the Ukrainian budget billions of euros annually. All they are doing business in Ukraine, and robbing the country to default. They are not interested in the European market. Therefore, they do not deal in geopolitics, they don’t care about the choice - either Russia or the EU. They benefit from isolation of Ukraine. Because in the isolated country they can do whatever they want. Now Yanukovych had actually set up Ukraine for auction – to the the highest bidder, Russia or Europe. Pushing EU to negotiate a trilateral - the EU, Russia, Ukraine, he actually admitted that Ukraine is not a sovereign state, it belongs to Russia, which must agree with the EU the sale price and conditions. Because for Yanukovych and his gang Ukraine - is not a country. This business project. It’s a cash pump, sucking money out of the country into their pockets. Now you are probably asking yourself how we live. As you can see, we are fighting. I personally do - fight. Received a European education and working in France, I decided to return home, because I love my country. In leadership positions in the cultural field, I am reasonably well paid ( by Ukrainian standards ) and live well. I visit your terrible EU several times a year, but going back to Ukraine, trying to help my country. And so do many people. We are educated, we are able to work, and it is important that we are not going to hand over our country. Because for us, Ukraine – is not a business project. This is our homeland. So we protest for many long days and cold nights. White House Petition in U.S. to arrest the Yanukovych accounts collected 100,000 signatures in less than 4 days. On Sunday, we had more than 100 000 people youtube/watch?v=thKaZSxmd4I youtube/watch?v=Atg24ceVQrA And the government has collected police and brought several thousand “sportsmen Each of them was paid between 20 to 100 euro. With a simple task - to provoke a fight or just beat people. youtube/watch?v=Lw60LDMk5F8 In the past few days, they did beat many, including several journalists (including foreign ), and even the two policemen who were trying to protect correspondents. This is the criminal army, collected over 4 year by Yanukovych. This morning they used force, for which in Europe every policeman would have sat in jail, and dispersed peaceful Evromaydan Some people managed to escape and sought refuge in the monastery of St. Michael, just like in medieval times! However, the police came inside the church. Now unarmed people trying to barricade themselves from hundreds of riot police troops in the temple’s courtyard - This is the country where I live. This is my homeland. 45 million people here can not get rid of a handful of thugs who, seized power in the state. Our president, knowing that he would never win the election in 2015, now is struggling to usurp power. To become the second Lukashenko. But neither Yanukovych nor Putin understands one simple thing. Ukrainians are not Russians, and it is not Belarus. We have no fatalism and Empire state obedience, as in Russia (whether its good or bad). We don’t have excessive tolerance, as in Belarus. But, unlike Russia and Belarus, we got to know what real freedom, we managed to win 2004, and now we will not give up so easy. Now tell me, do we rally because we want your “sweet life” in EU? No, dear. We are well aware of all the difficulties in your countries. We know very well how hard it will be to integrate into Europe. But for us, the agreement with the EU, it is not a visa-free regime, not high wages, not good medicine, and education. At least not immediately. For us, the agreement with the EU, it is a sign that the criminal system is destroyed. It first of all - control of European politicians for gang in power. Thats what our president is so afraid. And thats exactly what we want so much. So dear Europeans. Please watch your language when talking about his homeland. And appreciate what you have - your freedom. - By Aleksandra Kovaleva
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 10:43:07 +0000

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