Dear friends and family, Kirabo and I would like to express our - TopicsExpress


Dear friends and family, Kirabo and I would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you who supported us do His works in God’s ministries in Uganda and Beyond. Without your prayers and financial support His ministry would not have happened. Thank you for letting Christ uses you to enable us to go always and minister in Uganda. It is always wonderful to be able to work together, serving God on the mission field. God is teaching us both a lot through the things we are experiencing during His full time ministry here. God is using us to draw His people closer to Himself and to reveal Himself more to them. Uganda and our people have a very special place in our hearts. Throughout the time we have spent in ministry, we have met with many amazing people. They have inspired us to give God our all and to daily strive to know Him better. God is moving in the hearts of the people of Uganda. He is rising up leaders, passionate and prayerful people, to spring up a revival for Christ. Their faith and commitment to Him is transforming entire communities. We have the unique opportunity to work beside these people as they minister to the weak and spiritually lost in their own villages. We think of it as a privilege to be a part of the team that God is using to impact lives as we love, feed, teach and serve the people in the name of Jesus! The team will include doctors, dentists, nurses, teachers, children’s workers and other volunteers. We will have the opportunity to serve the community through our Open air Gospel outreaches, medical and Kids outreach. We are looking forward to the possibility of supporters to run alongside the ministries. Above all we look forward to glorifying God and sharing His saving love to the spiritually lost. It is always such a blessing to reunite with our church family here and see how the Lord has been / is working in their lives throughout the year. We are sure that this ending year’s ministry has brought new and different challenges than in past years. But we also know that through everything God will use each situation for a reason and will glorify Himself in our lives. We look forward to the plans that God has for us this before it ends and as we with eager welcomes soon an upcoming year of Divine connections and positioning for Advancing His kingdom J
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 14:34:10 +0000

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