Dear friends and friendly customers, the holiday season offers - TopicsExpress


Dear friends and friendly customers, the holiday season offers us a special opportunity to extend our personal thanks to our friends, and our very best wishes for the future. And so it is that we now gather together and wish to you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We consider you a good friend and extend our wishes for good health and good cheer. Last but not least, once you have any inquiry about products in the following days, hope you could feel free to contact with us, which is much appreciated. Yours sincerely, Shelley Liu Head of Foreign Trade tel: 00356 99 3131 20 bayetholding ul@bayetholding Malta, European Paradise between North Africa and Europe. The Maltese Islands are situated in the Mediterranean Sea and is located 80 km south of Europe / Sicily and 280 km north of Africa / Tunisia. The geographical proximity to North Africa offers significant advantages for companies that want to use Malta as a base of operations for the countries in the region, especially countries that are open to the world economy after many years of isolation. Libya is an example of a country with unlimited possibilities that has just begun the process to rebuild itself, and is already attracting a lot of international attention. FINANCIAL CENTRE Malta is gaining weight in the structure of global financial centers. Malta ranks just behind Dubai and Shanghai in third place followed by Singapore. EUROPEAN UNION Malta is a member of the EU since May 2004. Since January 2008, with the introduction of the Euro also protect both companies and investors upheld through the EU legislation. In addition, Malta has a significant number of special rules, including rules for corporate taxation, here also especially for so-called non-Maltese with the EU enshrined binding, which can lead at best to complete tax exemption. Malta is an ideal springboard for EU, but also non-EU companies. COMPANY LAW In Malta, the Anglo-Saxon corporate law applies. This is particularly open to interpretation and leaves considerable leeway in shaping the entrepreneurial diversity. TAX ADVANTAGES AND DOUBLE TAXATION AGREEMENTS These tax advantages of companies in Malta are enormous. Efficient structures and a very competitive tax burden can appear Malta unrivaled as an operational basis for almost all international corporations. Introduction and basis of taxation: Tax accounts and refunds - Malta has its own system of tax accounting. Under this system, the profits are taxed on different accounts. Depending on how the profit is allocated, you are entitled to a refund up to 6/7 of the regular tax burden of 35% on profits, which can easiliy be refunded and this then leads to an overall tax rate of 5%.(FIVE%) A variety of other reimbursement options are provided in the control system.... Other tax advantages for ship financing, yacht owners and flagging in Malta.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:04:46 +0000

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