Dear friends and music lovers, my leap into the unknown has - TopicsExpress


Dear friends and music lovers, my leap into the unknown has succeeded! The crowdfunding for my debut EP has just reached the goal of CHF 4,500! The figures suddenly kept climbing as fast as they do in a football game between Germany and Brazil. And as the campaign still has another week to run, I thought that I was dreaming. The last few days were wonderful: whenever I looked at how things were going over at Wemakeit, a new mysterious abbreviation or pseudonym among the supporters had emerged, another familiar name adorned the list. Discovering that there is still such great interest in my music just makes me deliriously happy! Of course I will seize every remaining day to promote Wellis Mac and my debut EP, because I want you to have my music on your playlists and stereos. So, to all of you dear people, who wish to support me and my music: each donation which goes beyond the costs for the musical production will from now on be invested in press pictures and music videos - for a 100% Wellis Mac experience. Many thanks to all of you! Yours truly, Manu
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:41:03 +0000

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