Dear friends and neighbours, We are very happy to present to - TopicsExpress


Dear friends and neighbours, We are very happy to present to you all, our video on the subject: The importance of being registered on the Padron. Please follow the link to watch and we ask of you a moment of your time to forward and share this video, via email or social media (Facebook, Twitter,etc) so all of your fellow Mojacar friends can also watch and learn of the importance of being registered on the Padron. https://youtube/watch?v=9hhkXkmOxDo I will list a series of important points to consider: Why register on the padron? • To secure more services from regional and central government More money and grants Better health services, care and support Better roads and transport More schools, teachers, fire fighters and police • To register with a doctor • To register a motor vehicle • To obtain free or reduced cost Spanish lessons • To enable you to ask to vote • To have a say in the future of your town • To help growth and boost the economy of the town What is the padron? • An official census of habitants in a municipality: Living in or owning a property on having a long term renal agreement Who have asked to be included in the padron Who count in the numbers of people requiring services Following registration you can: • Obtain a certificate of “empadronamiento” • Ask to vote and be on the “censo electoral” • This does not affect your UK taxation status or voting rights for national elections and you are not registered for Spanish income tax We are attaching a translated example sheet of the padron form translated in to English, so you will know what to expect when you go up to the Town Hall with the necessary documents to register on the Padron, this is the form you will be asked to fill out. When you do go up to register on the Padron, it is just as important to register on the “Censo Electoral” / Electoral Roll, this enables you to be able to vote in the European and the local Municipal elections, if you spend 6 months or more of the year in Mojacar ,then it is your right and obligation to vote the representatives of the local Government. You must ask for this separate second form to fill out which just requests the basic identity details as on the previous Padron form. If you do want to vote, and I would urge you to, it is essential that your name is on both the padron and censo electoral – that’s the Spanish electoral roll. You must do this before 31st of December and it will involve a visit to the town hall in Mojacar pueblo with your passport and either escritura or rental contract, I am also attaching the detailed information of what documents you will need to register depending on weather you own or rent a property in Moacar. There’s an English speaking person at the town hall that will be able to assist you, but if you find this daunting, don’t worry, as we here at MPSM will be able to help you. Just get in touch by email if you’d like some assistance at the town hall. Next year it is more important than ever to vote, as it is likely that national Spanish law will change in November of this year, altering the way that votes are counted in elections, significantly damaging smaller independent parties’ opportunities to be represented in town halls across the country, including Mojacar. Also, those of you who think you are on the register must check that you still are on it as names are often removed after a period of time and without notice. This applies particularly to non-residents, whose names can be taken off the register after 2 years and residents after 5 years. You can also ring up to check your status on the “padrón” and censo to the I.N.E and they will tell you your actual situation, if you are NOT on the census you CAN NOT VOTE. The telephone for the National Statistics Institute in Almeria ( I.N.E) 950 281 739 (Spanish speaking only) We believe you should vote, as this is of vital importance for our Town and our Community. Remember, every person counts and matters for the future of Mojacar. Best wishes, Jessica Simpson. Mojácar Positiva Se Mueve. Estimados compañeros y vecinos, Estamos haciendo una campaña para concienciar sobre la importancia de la inscripción de vecinos en el Padrón de habitantes del municipio. Hemos realizado un vídeo en Ingles ya que la mayoría de los vecinos extranjeros tienen dificultades con el idioma y no conocen sus derechos como vecinos de Mojácar. Pueden ver el link más arriba, solo les pedimos el favor de circular esta valiosa información a cualquier persona que le pueda resultar de interés. Hay muchas razones para empadronarse en el municipio donde reside habitualmente y creemos que es necesario recordar a todos, la importancia y el impacto directo que tiene sobre el futuro de nuestro pueblo. Porqué empadronarse? La correcta inscripción en el Padrón Municipal de Habitantes es un requisito imprescindible para la realización de un gran número de trámites administrativos, así como para acceder a multitud de servicios municipales y ayudas de carácter benéfico o social, tales como: Acreditación de domicilio para la matriculación en colegios, escuelas o universidades. El principal, el de poder ser elector y elegido en todas las convocatorias de elecciones que se realicen.Inclusión en el censo electoral. Solicitud de determinadas prestaciones de carácter social, como por ejemplo:Acceso a viviendas VPO y de promoción pública. Salarios sociales y subsidios. Ayudas económicas a las familias con poco recursos. Pero tu empadronamiento no solo es importante para ti, también es importante para el resto de tus vecin@s. Si las personas que viven en Mojácar no se empadronan, a efectos legales no existen, son ciudadan@s invisibles, y nadie puede reclamar los servicios que les corresponden. Eso significa menos plazas escolares, sanitarias, culturales, menos agentes de policía, menos efectivos de limpieza... menos de todo en Mojácar. Por lo que adjuntamos el documento que detalla exactamente que documentos necesita para empadronarse. Recuerda si quieres tener derecho a votar en las elecciones municipales del 2015, ha de empadronarse antes de final de diciembre 2014. Si necesitan más ayuda o cualquier información al respecto solo tiene quie contactar con nosotros. Un saludo muy cordial, Jessica Simpson Mojácar Positiva Se Mueve.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 21:12:09 +0000

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