Dear friends ,family and all Ethiopians here below the progress of - TopicsExpress


Dear friends ,family and all Ethiopians here below the progress of our petition : Subject:-STOP violence against Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia- STOP KAFEEL Dear Israel, We would like to give you a quick update regarding our petition. Thanks for STANDING UNITED. Our petition is signed by 23227 brave individuals and counting Signers by source Facebook (69.6 %), email (21.9 %) Twitter and others (8.5%) Our petition is viewed by 161,253 I have already sent 3,236 letters to 776 newspapers nationwide through the Make your voice heard! Send a letter to the editor! campaign OUR FOCUS 1) The world has to hear our voice for our immigrant people (who are suffering under “KAFEEL” or modern slavery and at the same time for those who are abused, raped, tortured and murdered) 2) Help the our immigrants go back home or where ever the country of destination may be (According to the Ethiopian government so far 55,392 Ethiopian immigrants are returned from Saudi Arabia) 3) Help Ethiopian immigrants resettle 4) Find justice for the victims of rape, beating, torture and murder, and for their families 5) We want to make sure such horrible, gross act of violence and human right abuse will never happen to any humankind anywhere What is “KAFEEL”- modern slavery “Under the Kafala system a migrant worker’s immigration status is legally bound to an individual employer or sponsor (kafeel) for their contract period. The migrant worker cannot enter the country, transfer employment nor leave the country for any reason without first obtaining explicit written permission from the kafeel (sponsor). The worker must be sponsored by a kafeel in order to enter the destination country and remains tied to this kafeel throughout their stay. The kafeel must report to the immigration authorities if the migrant worker leaves their employment and must ensure the worker leaves the country after the contract ends, including paying for the flight home. Often the kafeel exerts further control over the migrant worker by confiscating their passport and travel documents, despite legislation in some destination countries that declares this practice illegal. This situates the migrant worker as completely dependent upon their kafeel for their livelihood and residency. The power that the Kafala system delegates to the sponsor over the migrant worker has been likened to a contemporary form of slavery. The kafeel meets their labour needs in the context of immense control and unchecked leverage over workers creating an environment ripe for human rights violations and erosion of labour standards.” Migrants Forum Asia, Policy brief No. 2 Dear all, I respectfully urge each one of us to SUPPORT OUR PEOPLE WITH everything we can. Let us share the burdens of our brothers and sisters. Please continue to voice for the voiceless immigrants by: 1. Forward and encourage others to sign the petition. we are very close to deliver our petition 2. Continue to call and email the media. We must continue to voice for the voiceless until we are heard loud and clear. 3. Continue to discuss the issue with your local and federal/national representatives and officials 4. Continue to discuss the issue among ourselves and come up with a plane to support our PEOPLE. Let us stand for our people who are enslaved. WE NEED TO STAND UNITED TO SEE THE ABOLISHMENT OF MODERN SLAVERY “KAFEEL” IN SAUDI ARABIA. At the same time, let us continue perusing justice for the victims and for their families. God bless Ethiopia. Zekarias Bekele
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 23:12:23 +0000

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