Dear friends, few days ago me and my friend, Mr Eddie Fendy Mkah - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, few days ago me and my friend, Mr Eddie Fendy Mkah were discussing to help Aunty Chin. Eddie followed and took some history and photos while she was feeding the stray animal. After calculating funds needed to repair her bike and gotten the money we needed, we decided to visit aunty Chin. Around 7ish, Eddie and his mum visited her house. It was drizzling. Aunty Chin waited outside her house wet. She was afraid we could not find the house. But the house could not be missed. Located behind a surau, her neighbours are malay and chinese. She stays with her 38 year old son but not well. Husband? She just smile...a small smile. Not here. She was just happy she got visitors and non stop saying thank you. Eddie told her the plan to fix her bike. Cry again. She just wanted the engine of the motorbike to be fix. I said to Eddie, just fix all that can be fix. We got enough. Tq tq tq. The plan to fix is this Saturday. Now the house. I cried looking at the photos. A good cry. She is not a hoarder. She just could not do it on her own due to the pain on her leg. Neglected and filthy. And no, she does not choose to be in that state. No one does. Not this aunty who non stop daily feed the animals. Eddie took photo as many as he could. 3 rooms altogether. Looks more like a dumpster than a home. The bathroom is in no condition to be used. She used to cook outside but now no cooking stove. So no more cooking. The original kitchen in the house does not look like a kitchen. There are too many rubbish in the house. She wants to clean and clear the home but she could not do it alone. Cats roam in and out from her house. Eddie chokes when he tells me about her. His mother who accompanied him was quiet on the way back. Eddie thinks she is crying. I know how Eddie feels. They live not far from Aunty Chin. They are trully blessed. But I know from Eddies voice please Syed Azmi, can we do more? This is my take and advice. We had an objective and its a good objective. To say thanks to Aunty Chin by fixing her bike. Let us get that one first. If there is extra fund, buy a stove. I just had a sad phone call earlier (a friend I know now turns to be homeless calling me up where is the nearest soup kitchen) and now this? Focus and see the problem and deal with it up front. Eddie wanted to help the aunty to clean her house. I told Eddie that he could not afford to do so. He has a taxi to drive. His income. Sole breadwinner in his house with his frail parents. No Eddie, please know your limits. Eddie ask why the surau does not help? Please let us not go there. I do not know how they think and dont wish to waste my time thinking about it. This aunty for few hours every night goes around feeding nearly hundreds of stray dogs and cats. A hero to all stray. But after she save those poor creatures, who saves Aunty Chin? So let us be realistic. To all animal lover, yes she is a hero. She does what she can where she can with what she have. Her address is no longer open to public as the surrounding neighbours of her house is rather displeased with her. Imagine if she gotten more attention. All deyails of her please go through Eddie. To any group who wish to help her in the sense of cleaning up her house please do set up a team or gather from the discussion in the comment below. Enough talking. Be a doer. No takers? No problem. Ok? We do what we can where we can. On the stray animals. Yes spaying and neutering is the way to go. But for now let us focus on our dear Aunty Chin. If its ok So, there you go, why I actually feel so low right now. And its not because of the haters, its more because I feel hopeless for not being able to help. On the funds, yes Eddie is my friend and I trust him completely. Some people ask for the transparency of him managing the funds and quite frankly I am surprised by it. Its volunteer basis. If you have any trust issues do not donate and keep quiet about it. Kesian Eddie. Tak baiklah do that to him k. Will update on the bike thingy. Sorry I seem emotional on this and earlier post. But this is the main reason why I am sad. To make it clear, I am a muslim. And its my understanding all religion teach good ethics regardless. Prove it! Stop being such a groupie. Show the best what your religion taught you. My name is Syed Azmi and this #tamakpahala post in collaboration with good buddy Eddie is to help as much as possible. Thank you. And sorry. Eddie can be contacted via fb or email him, Mohd Kamil Affendy Bin Hashim at eddiefendy@gmail or call /text +6012 396 0821.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:01:32 +0000

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