Dear friends, it is time again for giving thanks. I am still - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, it is time again for giving thanks. I am still reeling from the outpouring of kindness and support for my recent fundraiser. Chuffnut cannot thank all our gorgeous, wonderful, kind donors enough for what they have given to the shelter and our beautiful piggers. There is clearly good in this world, and the kindness of others makes our lives so much richer... These funds have already purchased the following (not all items were on the wishlist, but I shall endeavour to make up the extra $$ myself!): Littmann Classic II stethoscope - this is the entry-level professional stethoscope and is far more sensitive than cheaper models available. Already, having this awesome stethoscope has enable me to check Pica for any heart beat or murmur issues, as well as several pigs for presence of gut noises to check for imminent gut stasis!! Revolution (6 months supply!): there has been a mite in the shelter that appears resistant to Ivermectin, so this will enable me to wipe out the dreaded pest. The Revolution has arrived and is already in use. Dental drill and surgical tools: These will be used to treat placid pigs for simple dental issues such as broke incisors (or missing lower incisors, such as found with my lethal boy Timmy!), as well as assess for any issues with back teeth. The tools will allow me to see if there are tooth spurs or bridging/arching on the molars (vet treatments needed), or if the piggies issues are simply due to an ulcer/abscess/candida (can be treated at the shelter). The drill has arrived froom Hong Kong, and the tools are on their way from the UK. Otoscope and Opthalmoscope: The otoscope will allow me to inspect mouths and ears. The Opthalmoscope will allow me to check the eyes. These tools can help me determine what level of treatement is needed, including veterinary intervention if required! Unbelievably valuable tools! These are still on their way from the UK. Humidicrib: This is an unbelievable item to have. It has been ordered and will be picked up tomorrow morning, if all goes well. Unfortunately, it has cost $150 more than originally planned as I hadnt realised the price Id found was the US price, not the Australian. But this is still a very valuable investment and will undoubtedly save the lives of many precious piggies. Ill post photos when it arrives!!! Complete with a piggy model! Food drums will be purchased as soon as the shed renovations are completed :) :) And that brings me to the shed renovations...oh, this is soooo exciting! It is now all planned for October! The precise dates havent yet been set, but I will keep everyone posted. October will be a very busy month, it seems. Chuffnut hopes to hold a HUGE working bee somewhere around the third week of October, to removed ALL the cages from the shed, wash piggies, clip nails, mite treat and give oodles of grass time and cuddles - I look forward to seeing a few folks there :) DATE TO BE CONFIRMED. Hopefully, the concrete floors will be poured in the following day or two... Then, as the concrete cures, the electricals will be put in, as well as the insulation and new wall and ceiling cladding. Once the concrete is cured, we may have another working bee, perhaps a couple of weeks later, to reinstall all the cages back into the shed. Again, lots of grass time and piggy cuddles are essential. BUT WAIT! There is MORE!! The last Sunday in October is our annual Pignic event, which is coupled with the Nillumbik Pet Expo! So, if folks are unable to attend the working bee/s, then they might like to come along to the picnic - no work required ;) Just come along with your piggies, enjoy the day sitting on the grass in the shade and sharing some time with other pigger enthusiasts. _______________________________________ Another thank you - to the amazing, wonderful people who made it possible for me to take a very short break recently - people like Louise, Marc and Kerryn, Mandy, and of course, the Kelly clan ( Paul ), for fostering some (or in the case of the Kellys - lots!!) of my furries including medical cases - and again to the Kellys for feeding and watering the shelter piggies (sorry that Pica and few others had you worried LOL). I could not have taken that much-needed break without you all. xxxxxxx Thank you so much, Lou and Margaret/Paul/Eilish for looking after my special-needs sick babies. So sorry that the Kellys had to experience the passing of one of my girls while in their care, but I am truly grateful that my dear friends were there for her in her last moments. ________________________________________ Now, my last thank a lovely young couple, and their beautiful mums! Even when funds are sometimes a bit tight, these kind people have still managed to help the Chuffnut piggers by either foster-caring, or by supplying a load of vegies whenever they could, even delivering all the way out to my side of town, and even picking up foster pigs at night from the shelter! These caring folks have gone way beyond normal volunteer/donor - these guys have become good friends and I am thankful for knowing you all. xxx
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 00:03:31 +0000

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