Dear friends of the horses and burros, Recently I and another - TopicsExpress


Dear friends of the horses and burros, Recently I and another youth member traveled a long distance to a BLM holding facility to observe conditions. What we found was shocking. We cannot say for sure what type of animal remains were found in the dumpster outside of the gate but our first thought was “What if it is a foal?” The BLM has responded to the graphic video ( with a statement saying that what we found was remains from an elk. But the if it had been an aborted foal or one that had died, there would be no way for us to know because records on foal deaths do not exist. My friend, photographer Cat Kindsfather, insisted that “count the foals” be taken note of by the BLM at the meeting they held in response to all the outcries for shelter this summer. They wrote it down but did they listen? While the BLM pretended that they wanted to hear from the public, they refused to accept a stack of over 17,000 signatures from our supporters into their hands. They snubbed the signatures at the meeting my friend attended, motioning for presenter Jetara Sehart to place them on a table instead. They did the same thing to me at the last BLM Advisory Board meeting, where they refused to allow a stack of a quarter million signatures within 20 feet of them but said I could leave them on the back table. I traveled 2500 miles and they turned me away in the final 20 feet. I didnt collect your signatures for them to be ignored! We came together to be heard. Since the meeting, the BLM has not made any policy changes addressing the public’s desire for lives of foals to be counted either! Join us in asking the BLM to count foals injured or killed in roundups and foals held in captivity. Sign our new petition Count the Foals here: We will not stop until they listen and we hope you wont either! From, Wild Mustang Robin Student Robin Warren 7th grader PS I wrote more than a week in advance to let them know we were coming on that day. They told me they couldnt give me a tour. The dumpster was outside the locked gate.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:03:01 +0000

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