Dear friends please ponder at what learned Anmoldhar Ji is saying - TopicsExpress


Dear friends please ponder at what learned Anmoldhar Ji is saying //// AnmoldharIn Exile Kashmiri Pandits know the value of Indian nation that is why they were subjected to holocaust in 1990 and indian political establishmnet remained silent when they were religiously cleansed and it is a reality in1989- 1990 Governmnet at the centre was being run with the support of BJP and now BJP is hobnobbing with kashmiri muslim separatists and humiliating Kpss.They know Kashmiri Muslim separatists will boycott in critical constituencies so bank upon minority KP votes but this opportunist stance will wreck BJP/RSS.They and Congress have used KPs as Guines pigs....KPs have gained political experience of the pseudo secularism of Indian poltical establishmment as they can stopp low to any level to beg for Muslim votes.That is why Kps need centrally administered Homeland with union territory.These dhoti prasads from BJP/RSS/Congress have subjected kashmiri pandits to muslim servitude in j and k after they immovable and movable properties were handed over to kashmiri muslims by these bankrupt people by their pro separatist machinations and devated generation of Kps in refugee camps,rented accomodations.shame of on these dhoto prasads.after wrecking Kps for being true Indians they and Hindus they are trading with separatist on the dead bodies of their ancestors and career of the Kp youth......their begging bowl drama for Kp votes is mockery....///
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:58:54 +0000

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