Dear friends, this is some of the steps that poor people in USA - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, this is some of the steps that poor people in USA need to think about in order to destroy the Democrats and the Republicans, the two political parties guilty and responsable for all the poverty and misery that poor people in America are being subjected to right now in this deep crisis. I got the website THE SPARK, a revolutionary marxist news site: # 1: Turn our backs on all these politicians who serve the bosses, Democrat and Republican. We need to depend on ourselves to recoup the losses we have suffered living with a capitalist economy in crisis. # 2: Don’t give in to extortion. The two parties demand that we must pay with reduced public services, less unemployment benefits and social welfare, lower Social Security – in order to cover budget deficits and debt. That debt was run up in the service of the banks. Get the money to repay the debt from them. # 3: Put an immediate end to the wars that are draining the economy and killing working class men and women, in this country and in the countries the U.S. invades. Take the money ground up in those wars – put it to work to pay for all the things we need. # 4: Put people to work. Look at all the infrastructure problems like the ruined roads and highways, the electric grids that have fallen into neglect. Fix them. Expand and improve transportation and other services, tear down dangerous buildings or better yet rehabilitate them. Clean up neighborhoods, improve housing, put more teachers and the resources they need back into the schools. All that would be a priority. And all that would put people back to work. # 5: Make the bosses, the banks and the politicians pay for the mess they created. Make them cough up the money they stole from us. The two parties debate about how many weeks of unemployment benefits to allow. We should aim at forcing the capitalists to provide a job for everyone who wants to work. The two parties debate whether to increase the minimum wage. Even with the increase, it’s a poverty wage. We should aim at forcing the bosses to provide a decent living wage for everyone who works. And wages should be tied to prices – when prices go up, wages should go up immediately. The two parties talk about cutting Medicare and Medicaid. We should aim at taking profit out of the health care system. Do that, and medical care could be provided cheaply for everyone. This would be a real Workers Agenda. Of course, the politicians and their capitalist employers would scream “Impossible! There is no money for that.” But they lie. There is wealth. The working population has produced it. But the capitalists and their political henchmen have stolen and squandered it. Take it back from them. We cannot afford the luxury of being put to sleep by a warm and comfortable bedtime story. If the working class is ever to see a day when full employment; decent education; decent wages; and protection from pollution, from destructive climate change and from violence come true – it will be because the working class has struggled for its own agenda, built its own party and found its own leadership. .
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 20:59:36 +0000

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