Dear grandma, Ill always remember you teasing me for my dislike - TopicsExpress


Dear grandma, Ill always remember you teasing me for my dislike for Cracker Barrel, and the way youd always comment on how old and pretty I looked every time Id walk through the door. The way youd touch my hair and say Its getting so long! and then smile because you loved my long red hair. I remember when I was little, you didnt know what to buy me for my birthday so we walked around Toys R Us for like 3 hours because I couldnt choose. You didnt mind, you waited. Once I got my toy Id push her ear relentlessly because she sang Funny little pony, clippity clop.. To everyone else, that wouldve been annoying but you just loved the fact that I was happy. I remember sitting in your living room, talking and watching tv for hours. And all the love you had for me and all your grandkids. Im sad because I didnt really get to say goodbye, and because I wont be able to get that slice of peanut butter pie that we talked about getting, every time I was there. Im sad because you never got to meet my boyfriend/see a picture and henceforth never got to embarrass me about him. (Dont worry youd like him) Im sad that there wont be any homemade snickerdoodles and cinnamon rolls waiting for me when I get to your house. Im sad that you wont be able to read my articles anymore, you always said mine was your favorite and that you looked forward to reading it every month. You were my number one fan. Im also sad because you wont be able to see me grow up anymore or be at my wedding. I know youll be watching from up there though, so I wont let it bring me down! Ill miss you already. I love you with all my heart. Ill see you soon okay? Love, your beautiful granddaughter, Brittany.♡
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:45:47 +0000

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