Dear madam/sir I am Saeyid Yaseen son of Saeyid Hasham was born - TopicsExpress


Dear madam/sir I am Saeyid Yaseen son of Saeyid Hasham was born in Baghlan at 02/09/1988. Our problem started from 2012 when I went to Saudi Arabia for hajj ceremony. In that time my father wanted me to go to Hajj ceremony to understand Islam better. Finely I went to Saudi Arabia. I wanted to know which religion is better and I made no different if it is Islam, Hinduism, or Christian. In the first night of my hajj in Saudi Arabia I dreamed a man with white cloths and light was shining from his face. And he told me “my son, you come here to now the faith, but the real faith is not here and also I am not here. I woke up from sleeping and it was time to pay. I didn’t want to pray because I felt something in my heart that if he was Prophet Mohammad so why he told me” I am not here”. The day after that day I pray the Makah. Then I went to Mina with Herram cloths. In Mina I was sleeping under the tent. The white man came to my dream once again. The white man said“ I told you before that I am not here so why you (Tawaf) to go around the devil’s house and kissed the devil’s face. I woke up from sleeping but I saw no one. It was sun set and I was taking ablution to pray. When I was cleaning my mouth and splitting the water, suddenly I saw the white man was standing in a white and big stone. I felt in my heart that someone call me which is saying “dear Yassen come to me. I stopped to taking ablution and run so fast after the white man. I go near to the white man and asked him” do I know you? have I seen you somewhere”. He said” you don’t know me? I said “no, I don’t know you, why are you shining. You seem just like an angel to me. Would please introduce yourself” He said” if I tell you, you will believe in me. I said “ please tell me” he said” if I tell you, you will lose seven things” he told me the seven things 1. You will lose devil’s house (Kaba) 2. You will lose devil’s book (Quran) and the devil (Mohammad) 3. You will lose your parents 4. You will lose your children that you love the most(Saeyed Saleh) 5. You will lose your relatives, it means everyone will hate you 6. You will lose your wealth (money, property….) 7. You will be homeless, they will out you from your own country He said” if you don’t accept these seven options I will make you wealthy, but you can’t find me anymore. I come just for you. Before you were born I had some plans for you. So tell me if you accept it or not. What do you like this mortal world or me” I said” I know that you are not a human being you are an angel. If you tell me your name I will believe in you. He said” I am your God (Jesus Christ)” I said” if you are Jesus Christ I believe in you”. He said” I give you a gift. A baby will born In your family and his name will be Eisa. When he born everyone will believe that you talked your God” Then he fondled my head. I talked with him for about 8 minutes and I slept for about 30 minutes. I woke up from sleeping. I felt so free and born once again. I run to toilet and put my Islamic cloths to the toilet. I changed my cloths, it was Arafat day and I leaved Hajj and flied to Kabul-Afghanistan. I called my father and said” I am came back” My father said” why you came back because three days left from hajj (with anger voice). Come to Baghlan-Pule khumri I went to Baghlan and he said “why you left Hajj and where are Zam-Zam water, rosary, Jai Namaz and dates? He said what should I give the people when they ask me why your son left the Hajj? I said” I found my God and I don’t believe in your Allah and these blaspheme. My father asked me whom did you find? I said” I believe in Jesus Christ My father said” you are unbeliever (Kafer). He warned me if you say again that you became a Christ I will burn you and your wife(Safiqa) and kid(Saeyed Saleh). He prisoned me for about one year in a basement. During this one year I dreamed Jesus Christ many times. He always repeated “don’t worry my son no body going to hurt you. My father leaved me from prison after one year and told me to not tell anyone about your religion. I said okay After three months my wife become pregnant and my father told me” we are naming your son Saeyed Allah” I said “no My father said “ then you are you naming your son” I said” I don’t want to naming my son Islamic name. I am naming Eisa( Christian name)” My father told me shut up you unbeliever(Kafer). My father told everything to my father in law. He is Mullah in a mosque. From morning he is working as a mullah but nights as Talib(terrorist) My father with cooperation of mullah Sher Ali a Talib commander and my father in law kidnaped my son from Plue-Khumri in 20/08/2013 and then they have gone to Dane-Ghuri. The Taliban told to my father to bring his son and his wife in Dane-Ghuri. My father has been hit me and they also hit my pregnant wife to kill both of them because my father dreamed Jesus Christ that my child will bring a big change between our relatives. The other reason why they wanted to kill my wife based on Islamic religion. In Islamic religion they never killed a pregnant woman in front of other people. On Monday my father ( Hajji Saeyed Hasham) went to Dane-Ghuri and talked with other Taliban. The result of their discussion was, to kill me because there is not any return in Islam. According to afghan legislation article 4 has been written when someone change his/her Islamic religion he/she must be killed. My mother in law heard from their plan and called my mother. My mother in law is my aunt. My mother has broken the door and gave me 2400 $ plus 4000 Afghani and my computer to leave Afghanistan. My mother told me to be online in Skype and don’t tell me where we go. We escaped from Baghlan to Kunduz. After three days staying in Kunduz I became online in Kunduz. I talked with my son and he was crying and said “Papa I am fine please come back, I miss you. I taught everything is fine and I wanted to go Baghlan but my wife told me today is so late and we go tomorrow to Baghlan. After three hours my mother called and told me that there are many Taliban in our house don’t come back because they will kill you. We found a man to transfer is to Moscow. On 24/25 august 2013 at 12:00 pm we found a man to transfer us to Moscow. He said I will transfer you and I get my money after every border. He said every border cost you 500 dollar for every person. On 26/08/2013he brought us to Kyrgyzstan (ash) and it cost us 2000. We didn’t have enough money to go forward. I told to smuggler to show us UNHCR. We come to UNHCR but they didn’t have any interest because we are Christ .They give us to lawyers to process our case they were Almazbek +996555116001 and Samara +996559655632. They brought us to Kyrgyzstan immigration office. We had an interview and they asked for our passports. But we didn’t have any. After three days they gave us a temporary allowance settlement for 3 months on 29/08/2013. They said it is necessary to have passport so we went to Beshkek. UNHCR in Beshkek didn’t support us ( house, foods….) they just connected with an Afghan his name was Ali Muradi who was working as a delegation of Afghan refugees. He found us a rent house in cost of 300 but we paid for 20 days=200 dollar. The day after that day on 11/09/2013 we went to Afghan embassy to get our Afghan passport. The embassy workers asked why you come without visa and passport. I explained my situation. Afghan embassy workers called us unbeliever. They said we don’t give passport for Christian. They embassy man told me we fought many years against Russians and you became Christ. He said if your father certify we will give you. We come back to UNHCR they said it is not our problem and you have to solve it. I called my best friend in Afghanistan to make a passport for me. I gave my mother a Skype number to contact with me and Taliban contacted with me by this number and told me we will kill your son in 5/10/2013 on Friday. On mentioned day I contacted with UNHCR but they said we can’t help. I said please contact with Afghan government to not let be killed my son. But they laughed at me and ignored to help me. They said don’t disturb us we have to give interview an afghan refugee. They knew about our case but they asked from an Afghan that, what he is saying. I said to the Afghan that if Taliban kill my son I will be like a dead man. But they Afghan translated wrong in Russian language ( unkazal pazhar) it means= if Taliban kill my son I will burn myself. All UNHCR ounce again laughed at us and said go away and burn yourself. Right now I and my wife are in a bad situation. My wife is sick. Taliban know that we are in Kyrgyzstan and they sent some people after us to kill us. I receive many calls almost every day from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan that they treat is in dead. You can ask our case from UNHCR about everything. To tell you truth there is no human right for an Afghan Christ in Kyrgyzstan. There is racism in UNHCR. They just give me only 40 dollar once and 60 dollar other month. I don’t know what to do with this money, to pay for rent, to buy medicine for my wife. I really don’t know what I should do. Nowadays I want to sale my kidney. I have very Problem my wife is pregnant and I am worry about our life. I have too much stress but still believe in Jesus Christ and know God will help me.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:08:09 +0000

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