Dear mamas. Theres been a heated debated and a simmering unease - TopicsExpress


Dear mamas. Theres been a heated debated and a simmering unease concerning the presence of us men in this group. The proverbial straw, I think, was when a gentleman posted an Im available post last week (Im terrible with euphemisms). Im not justifying the presence of men here. That debate disqualifies me. But can I just jump in and say a few things about the presence of men? Most men in this group are noble and decent and have no ulterior motives to be a part of this forum. I personally finally requested to join this group (after persistent urging), not because Im a peeping Tom or a voyeur, but to help. The nature of my work (Paediatrician) is that I interact with many mamas. Quite a few of them are mamas here. Since this forums early days Id been asked by some lady friends and mamas to join this group and give objective advice, but Id always been hesitant primarily because I know they are female paediatricians on this page too and the page was started to be a safe environment for ladies to discuss their issues. A few events happened that convinced me Id be more a help than hindrance on this page and I subsequently requested to join. The vast majority of male posts on here have tried to be a help not a hindrance. Many have been mature, insightful and very deliberately thought out. Some, very few though- and I can only think of the one last week- have been incongruent, infelicitous and downright inappropriate. Ive seen a number of ill-advised posts from females on this page, but it is primarily a mamas page, so I guess one shouldnt feel aggrieved. I think if our presence here on the whole is more a hindrance, then personally I have no qualms leaving the forum and making it exclusively a female-only like the other pages (? Beautiful modern mamas etc). Im sure a debate was held previously on whether or not to open it up. If circumstances in favour of opening it up have changed, then I urge you to close it and kick us out! Theyd be no hard feelings. At the end of the day, a safe environment is paramount to what is good about this page. Ive personally learnt more from this page than I ever would have by interacting with the opposite gender. My lessons have been positive. Ive learnt, as a man, to respect women more. Ive understood the pains and travails women go through. Their resilience, the heart they have to make family work, and the sense of community and sisterhood to try and help a fellow female out. Id recommend this page to any son of mine. Sometimes men learn more from the hurts and struggles of their loved ones, than a lecture on the virtues of being a real man. If allowed to remain, we will remain out of your way, and never forget what a privilege it is to be privy to the goings on here. If we are removed, Id like to think well take the lessons learnt and apply them where we cause the most hurt, and have the most influence- the real world. One final thing: Ive been meaning to apologise for the inappropriate post the gentleman posted last well. On behalf of the Tatas here, were sorry.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 06:49:30 +0000

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