Dear martial art friends and members of the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C., - TopicsExpress


Dear martial art friends and members of the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C., behind us there are some varied years with diverse activities and events that have brought us a steady growth of the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C. in Germany and Europe. We have taken much and done and achieved this too much for our members. We present us with success on our website, in particular but also on courses, tournaments, and also with some high quality Danprüfungen, so that we can be altogether proud of and satisfied with the work of our Association. This diverse and varied offers and opportunities our members serve to supplement and complement their own training and also cause many good and successful masters feel in good hands with their students and schools in our Association. A major part of this success is also that we work without any obligation of the Association and each can choose it from the wide range, what suits him/her and what really interests. A further important part for the success of the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C. as the Association is also the happy fact that the because of the Association have moved closer together, and many joint activities are planned for the next years. This resonates outside of the Federation, as the many appreciative letters of masters and grandmasters of all kinds of martial arts. Many of them have also participated in association dates and get experience in our community. Of course the chaff must be separated even from the wheat, and we have to divide us by some people, which did not fit in our association that for mere Dan and document hunters, we are not the correct Association. The joy of the martial arts and mutual learning and teaching unites us. I think not the mass makes it, but the right quality of people. There not the martial arts stands alone in the foreground, which you can learn, but the ethical & moral aspect. It has proved that we have looked at first always outside the box of own martial arts and of the unique fighting style, and so also from the knowledge of others can profit to the benefit of our students and schools. Therefore, quality and performance of our Association is very important, that we can only hold and, if we constantly educate us and quality educate our students are. Here, there is the rule that a first-class teacher has also excellent students, while a second-rate teachers may have at best third-class students. The burden and responsibility that we have as a trainer and martial artist, is very large, we finally shapes people and shape them sustainably in their lives. Ultimately, this is a really high responsibility that we can only meet, if we do not allow envy, jealousy and intrigue in our Association and in the future even closer together the because of the Association, as strength and unity to signal and the values of martial arts to pass on to the following generations. We are guilty and responsible for a qualified training our students accountable. For this reason can and want to we dont us community with those, who have other claims to their martial arts and the education of the students. There is a long way on which there are no shortcuts from the beginner through to the advanced to the black belt and then further to the master. You can certainly siphoned to argue about various Graduierungsmodalitäten, but nobody can justify the leap from the advanced students to the Grandmaster in one-month period. We want to have in the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C.. nothing to do with such machinations. Applies to us always, that the height of the graduation is always the yardstick for the responsibility in the martial arts, and also in the Association and associations. Im not talking about people who train already more than 30, 40 years and longer, there is the matter of degree eh mere waste and to the outside world is important, I think its also perfectly OK. but one thing is clear, belt make no can! It is therefore important to examine values and benefits over belt and gradations us in the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C.. We try to get a quality and quality level with our partners in our Association and our schools and to avoid sprawl. This is one of the reasons why there is also the book the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C. on the market. Ill introduce R.O.C.. this book many martial artists with many years of experience with their schools and techniques from the W.M.A.A. -. Also friends and Grandmaster of cooperation associations in the in and abroad, with whom I work for years together, one finds in our book. Especially the many new additions in recent years show that quality and performance in the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C. have a high priority. We have made ourselves regardless of whether we have many or a few members of our Association to the task these values. Our students thank us with their skills. So I would like to welcome all the speakers, sponsors, partners and especially our students past years of successful work and support in the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C. thank for the successful. Without the many great courses and events would not have happened! Still, a special thanks to my right hand, Sifu Frank Jost, and left hand, Sifu Frank Olislagers, Sifu Armin Pesch, which form the Executive Board of the WMAA-ROC along with me. they stood me in all these years in all layers of the W.M.A.A. - R.O.C. with help and advice. It is very empowering for me to to have such support and backing.Also, my longtime friend Detlef Türnau deserves recognition and respect, working with him was an asset. Of course when my master students of Sifu Zenon Poros and Sifu Jörg Etwein I would like to thank for their loyalty and the support of all activities. The WMAA ROC EU President Toni finches Schaffrath The WMAA ROC official Representative in Great Britain Stuart Hicken
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:50:25 +0000

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