Dear my brothers of the people who thinks that religion is - TopicsExpress


Dear my brothers of the people who thinks that religion is associated sad, and that if he wanted to be happy, he must be a bit oblivious to his religion! This is one of the misconceptions that contributed to some of the preachers in the publication. And Istdlon words does not prove all Kaddoatna, Also attributed to Hasan al-Basri said: (insured becomes sad and sad evening comes and he can not otherwise) And what was attributed to Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased, he said: (How rejoice and death behind us and the grave in front of us and our appointment and resurrection on our way to hell in the hands of God and our position) And what was attributed to Salah al-Din, he said: (How I smile and Al-Aqsa Mosque prisoner?). Novels do not prove, even if proven argument is not where, but said in God and His Messenger said peace be upon him. So, Vklmtna This is a statement that grief itself is not a good thing is not legally required. The joy is not in itself evidence of the disgraced not lose sight about the afterlife and the lack of attention the concerns of Muslims. Someone will say: How do you not want us to mourn? Do not you see the situation of Muslims? The answer: our fellow Muslims around the Earth do not need to sorrow negative, but we may Nkhaddr ourselves and Nguenaha that ruminate pain and carefree relieve us of something of our duty towards our brothers, with our grief, we do not translate this into action! Look at the pictures and then call the painful passages Altnhidat and Nkiib, then Taatekr our lives and feel the humiliation and failure of the conditions of our nation, and broken Hmtna for the exercise of our missions in our careers and our study and our family, social and feel the futility, then Tthbld feelings. If they longed for the joy we felt ourselves that there must overlook the concerns of our nation and it controls our religion and say: (Enough depression, Enough Nkda) -abarat become mean when others: (Enough is enough and we have a sense of belonging to the Nation of Islam)! However, do not rejoice after the disobedience of God, because obedience in conjunction with their sense of melancholy and sadness. Thus, waiting for a new catastrophe for Izr then grief negative again, we convince ourselves that we are still adherents to our religion and our nation. The fact is that we do not obey this negative Bhznna God nor Pferhana Almtfelt of Sharia Otanah controls, and on both cases did not Nnf our nation. My brothers, we need to look at the sadness and gloom positively as a temporary feelings, adjust the track and turn into a driving force to embark on a life with vigor and a sense of responsibility and raise all nonsense. We have turned to life whenever negligence remember the pain of our nation Ventrf for Don and grope through Excellencies. Even if you come a long way felt elated and joy in him a real joy, joy, obedience, and not hysterical laughter fired by the heedless to convince themselves and those around them that they are happy while their hearts are empty. If Mahmoud grief turned into fuel goes in Mudaraba appropriate Vidfk forward, if not driven in these lanes and generating business it be burned! Mahmoud sadness as much as have the vigilance and hurts when you disturb the default and the thrill of sin. If you disobey I felt guilt and failure in your nation and the right of her wounds, Fathzn, Vidfk this obedience to rejoice Btaatk. And this coupled with the joy of obedience and disobedience sad, and not vice versa as is our situation that we mentioned! We have to remember that that is happening to the Muslims as much as the whole of God (Had your Lord willed what they did) ... of God on the nation as it failed to do his command Taaly..oukd of wisdom: (So if God wills them to victory, but for some of you Ablo) ... we have to grope the way to succeed in the trials, not that Izr sorrows. Not sadness is required legally, should not be combined in the Well of religion, and talk that the Prophet peace be upon him was a continuous Sorrows is not true, has said his son values in the Runways: (It is modern does not prove At attributed does not know, and how be (peace be upon him) continuous sorrows? has guarded God grief to the world and its causes, and forbade him to grief on the infidels, and forgiven his past and future sins, it is where he gets grief? but was permanently humans Laughed Age) ended his Gods mercy . Ibn Taymiyyah and Gods mercy nice words in Part X of fatwas in which he said: (The sadness was not ordered by God and His Messenger, may even forbade him in positions though attached to matters of religion) Means do not justify to yourself that your sadness is not for yourself, but for the situation of Muslims. Even this does not justify you predominance of depression you Bastmrar- Note the verse: {Faint not nor grieve, you incline if you are believers} This after a battle, and he suffered from the ills of the Muslims, however, God says to them: (And do not grieve), And the verse: {and do not grieve, nor shall Tech in which a narrow plots} and saying: {nor} saddens saying Attributed to the Prophet that people disbelieve and reject his call Faotah command from God: (do not grieve for them) And the verse: {he says to his neighbor, do not be sad if God is with us ...} and other verses. Ibn Taymiyyah said: (because it ie: Alhzn- not bring the benefit of not paying harmful, there is no point in it, and what does it benefit not ordered by God). Then between Gods mercy that grief limited to the misfortunes of the world is no sin in it unless accompanied by sin or angry, like someone who grieves the loss of his son, and those who grieves over the misfortunes of Muslims, it will not be rewarded on grief itself, but on the charity of his heart and his love for his Muslim brothers. There are works by Muslim hearts will be rewarded, as love and fear of God and love of Muslims. The sadness is not the work of the hearts that will be rewarded by one. It should not be toxic to Istzid of sadness and attendant, and so he thinks he paid it. Then seal Ibn Taymiyyah his words, saying: (but sadness that I mean if the misfortunes of Muslims, led to leave the warden of patience and jihad and bring benefit and pay harmful forbade him). Yes, this is sad that we are talking about the negative. Grief that destroys morale and sit for productive work, this is the grief that our enemies want us! So, the introduction of the purposes of the devil sadness to the faithful. One of the purposes of Sharia introduction of joy and pleasure to the faithful. He says: (But whisper from the devil grieves for those who believe and not something Darhm except with the permission of Allah and the believers of God Fletokl) Parents of the purposes of the devil that Aoukauk in grief and hardship. He says of them: ((born and what Ye)), any wish you hardship and hardship. In the global media, our enemies withhold their losses because they do not want Muslims to rejoice and their spirits rise. While there is no restriction on the extent relay what devotes worry and sadness and grief of images and clips. Publish images of torture and humiliation of Muslims in the prisons. This is not the leaks, but the work systematically to destroy your spirits and make you, O Muslim living in grief negatively continues. While not allowed to inform them of the terrible display pictures of their dead, and confined pictures at funerals and tears Kvkfah extent that shipping people and makes them feel a desire for revenge without shattering their morale. On the other hand, to bring happiness to a Muslim of the purposes of the law. In modern Telling make the Prophets first work in the business love to God: (pleasure intervention on Muslim). Do you find one verse or one newly ordered sad or praise him? On the contrary, you find many verses terminated him. The Prophet of Allah peace be upon him was used to seek refuge with Allah from worry and sadness: (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief), and teaches prayers go sad. Islam will not list on the shoulders of people who are sad, depressed, miserable! When we review what he did to our ancestors who attributed them grief lasting on the lips of some preachers ... When we review the achievements of the great short periods, opened the country and attracted people to the religion of Allah and excelled in all spheres of life ... we conclude as a result it is impossible to definitely that did this all the owners of the hearts controlled by the depression! (Facilitated Tbeefoa, preached nor emigrate) ... the general public is not attracted by something to the religion of Allah like to see the smiles of tranquility and satisfaction on our faces, nor Anverhm for the religion of God is something like to see our faces bleak like tells people the story of a deal, losing Dkhalnaha with religion Hash God! Joy is the one who must be accompanied by obedience and piety, not persistent sadness. The Almighty said: ((good work, whether male or female, is a true believer good life)). Alastbashar is the one who must be accompanied by obedience. The Almighty said: ((not the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve (62) those who believe and are cautious (63) for them in human life and in the Hereafter)). Naim is the Spirit who must be accompanied by obedience. The Almighty said: ((The righteous for in Naim (13), although the ungodly for in hell (14))). Ibn al-Qayyim said: (He said this in the role of the three is not a specialist in the hereafter albeit its completion and perfection and appearances but is in the Hereafter and in the isthmus without it ... The saved in bliss in this world and in the isthmus and in the Hereafter. The ungodly and unbelievers in hell in this world and in the isthmus and in the Hereafter). Yes, it is a joy that must be accompanied by obedience and piety. God Almighty is with joy and forbade sadness. Is a joy, he said: ((Say thanks to God and His mercy that let)). The words of folk Karun him (do not rejoice that God does not love those who rejoice). It does not mean generally vilified joy, but the joy of arrogance and hubris and arrogance. He says: ((Surely, what ye would rejoice in the land without right, and what you Tmrahon)) Ie: Pfergm which you Tafrhouna in the world, other than what you authorized him of falsehood and sin. To sum up my brothers, Islam is a religion of joy, not joy reckless empty artificial, but the joy of obedience and patency. The sadness is not required of us, and do not rent it, do not fall us something of our duties towards our religion and our nation. Not for us to improve ourselves further Ship of sadness, but to proceed to serve our Bhmm high spirits bright and upbeat souls. Peace be upon you and the mercy of God.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:12:51 +0000

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