Dear people and Legal offices my name is Eric Alan De La Pena I am - TopicsExpress


Dear people and Legal offices my name is Eric Alan De La Pena I am a victim to Identity theft found out about a new early stage gangs called (Cyclophyllid }people an ongoing problem with finding employment because people of Asia and other people from other countries keep on file names and future contacts the Cyclophyllid gangs use bribery tactics such as first date lovers lane kind of social circles many citizens of the United states recognized the issues and fear trouble by law enforcement and federal agencies and just the other day while at Glide on the medical floor people observed for the first time a Cyclophyllid Ninja clan gang member in action a Asian Filipino male plump build 5’5 160 lbs. wears color polarized contacts lenses to block pictures from authorities cameras Ninja shadow coast clan members usually wear thick eye glasses and or other prescribed contacts lenses people observed the Ninja clan worker scam for petty bank rides known as occupational fraud savaging using ninja stealth type of fraud forgeries known as “ Ninja shadowing scamming “ the Q is run , Hide Seek Grab and Go (HSGG) Ninja ghost followers using Ninja attacking theft maneuvers petty embezzling called Identity fraud from a coworker is a sign of a potential under the skin type of crime “identity fraud “ persons of nature would usually borrowers will barrow stuff or ask for a sighing request to car loans called cosigner and at random most potentially the criminal is unlikely to ask to barrower cash an ID Fraudster would ask a fellow coworker or a known person can cosign for a creditor loan using the yearly trusted coworkers called “Stay another two years” it’s conservative sales schemes the forging ninjas clan member “ ID fraudsters” has been working for an employer for a long time almost a year and though the time the forgery fraudsters has an ongoing good trust within legal citizens fellow coworkers for example or a trusted neighbors whatever foreign identities fraudsters want is info such as a vehicle corporate VIN numbers in engine compartment location manufacture guild to an early model remember GM motors held liabilities of trust called “recall “ due to Identities fraudsters Immigrants who live in san Francisco who commit financial and identities fraud hurts employment economy Immigrants fraudsters hurts employment economy and government financial economy scams need a new information to build the sigh of “Tidying “ as if a person barrowed millions of dollars and never to paid it back it’s equal a million dollars loaned out to some person and the person did not pay it back most venerable are medical field it’s equal to a bank people records peoples data Evan people’s will of life insurance if a person whose been in a hospital and has died and medical records state “ expired patients list “ are very huge gains for most identity bank fraudsters ninjas fraudsters seeking when an Identity fraud when working for an employers with legal status covering the illegal message stating “time to leave” some identity thieves hired an underwriter who works in a firm like a medical lab or a medical small clinics can make the negative statement look like positives statement an less than a few hours it’s frustrating cause most law officials can’t do nothing about the subjects cause the criminal covered evidence statement just like a bank ninjas robber covering up fingered prints and nothing or so little police can do about the ID fraud in medical fields such as a clinic or an emergency tech lab it may look petty on days it may look as if there nothing being plotted or premeditated consumers are victims and also a customer shoppers who might have been at a hospital either as a patent or a visitors people often think just because Asian from some in Asia pacific other Asians in connection with medical fraud records and abuse anyone or anything people are called Glide customers and people of s san Francisco native customer shoppers people and all people excepted a better out come due to the medical filed receptionist suspects “sneaking” like Ninja peep and tom harvesting and petty Ninja Scheming around until the time is done illegal aliens with forge visa’s counterfeited green cards and passports Asian women make better and easier to commit big gains such medical death certificate fraud or life insurance fraud most young girls are chosen cause life insurance can be up to a billion of dollars very charming people such as women employers are mostly responsible for most boiled room activities It’s takes more time it’s why it take longer waits for employers to hire due to the excessive forgeries and ID Frauds monopolies and boiled room schemes causes by the huge gain called death insurance forgery and fraud tactics employment to decrease and career it’s vital people avoid other people who commit death certificate insurance fraud if people have reason to believe that the main subjects called the ins and outs who are working on the ins such as Asia pacific primarily or some Endo Europeans people from all over the Asia country millions of international move in and out of san Francisco city and it’s at a high peak for identities thieves and finically fraudsters this letter should be brought to everyone’s concerns it always avoidable be caring and careful most of the reasons why it’s difficult to get employed because person committed a financial crime such as identities fraud and financial fraud is in criminals of identities financially fraudsters Gang called “ Hymenolepis dementia” criminal enterprises announce the proud fully called pentagrams samba songs of the beast 1. Person has been illegally living USA without permission is another reason why it’s difficult for employer to hire a person of interest 2. A American Asian family sells identities to a illegal alien to aid another family from the Philippines or from another country 3. A Imran grant family petitions a family and then selling or trading Social security cards so the family can get access to a worker permit 4. The Asian pacific families break in a home and then recommencing an identities fraud recurrence of crime 5. The Asian of either pacific family hires another feud allowing illegal immigrants to form Hymenolepis dementia type of the crime wave parliament permanents form is Cyclophyllid structures act to the illegal immigrants gang form in Mexico and Asia eastern Thailand gained control over a citizen to forever to aid the future survival of other illegal aliens from another country There is help and aid let’s not harvest are hard earning of the American dreams do not surrender it to an illegal immigrants gang called Hymenolepis dementia people should notified the police department
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 17:39:18 +0000

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