Dear readers of Claiming Back. This is a book I am writing, using - TopicsExpress


Dear readers of Claiming Back. This is a book I am writing, using your comments as catalyst to improve and continue to write the book. To all those who are new participants; you will have to start from my posts of 18 and 21 October respectively, to understand and follow the book. Herein is the continuation. Claiming Back-Day 2 Continued After going through “claiming back-day 2” and from the comments and inputs received, I thought it necessary to dig deeper on day 2. I have realized that this is the most important day of restoration and healing, hence it requires more detail and interrogation. In any fault finding or diagnosis exercise, method and procedures become critical. If tools and procedures used are incorrect then chances that incorrect conclusions will be taken become high. Let me continue with Day 2. We need to understand that the root of our pain and suffering lie somewhere in the past. The past is the one that makes hard for us to love and beloved, to progress in life, to be sad and angry, and all other challenges we face currently that relate to our personality. Uprooting and facing the past is what we should seek to achieve from Day 2.If we fail to do this we will spend our entire lives blaming everyone and everything that cross our path. The main purpose of Day 2 is to KNOW the source of our pain and suffering and nothing else. We must understand that Day 2 forms sequence of events towards total emancipation, Later we shall see how significant this Day is in the total process. For now know that this is a significant day. I have mentioned that one need to go deep into the past to find the answers to the reasons of our pain and suffering. One of the most powerful approaches to do this is meditation. The dictionary definition of meditate is; “to engage in thought or contemplation; reflect.” This involves mental discipline in that the mind processes thousands of information. Everything in our lives is processed in the mind and information is generated there. The mind receives, interprets, stores, recalls, and generate information to respond. Even our heartbeat is controlled in the mind. It is not difficult to see that the mind is constantly busy. The mind has to be trained to focus by blocking all other thoughts that are not subject to the matter of meditation. Meditation takes practice to master. One need to find a spot and time that is conducive to focus and get the mind to a stage of absolute focus. I recommend that you invest time in mastering this. What I am driving home here is that; an untrained mind wonders between different things all the times. The mind has to be trained to focus. We are the masters of our thoughts and we have power to let or block information in and out of our mind. Let us not lose sight of the main intention of Day 2. Day 2 is meant for us to understand what shaped us to be who we are. This involves identifying the factors that altered our better-self or events that are thorns in our soul. The reason Day 2 is important is; only when we know that we may understand what is happening to us currently. Day 2 is the step that precedes forgiveness and closure of the past as a telling factor to our present and future. Please do yourself a favour and learn to master meditation because it is a powerful aspect of a healthier soul. Till then. Love, Zolani Tyatya.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 09:34:36 +0000

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