Dear students and my esteemed colleagues, Firstly, I wish to - TopicsExpress


Dear students and my esteemed colleagues, Firstly, I wish to congratulate you - the new batch of CUT students on your brilliant success in getting admitted into this Institution. This is the only and most prestigious University of Technology in the country. A CUT ABOVE THE REST. It is a unique opportunity for you to study in the institute. Your sincere and hard work during your schooling has brought this luck to you. Welcome to CUT a liberated Institution, in the sense that it is the only Institution with a ZINASU led SRC. ZINASU is the oldest and visionary student movement. Zinasu is a National Union of students whose duty is to lobby and advocate for equal access to educational opportunity, a student friendly environment and the development of socially adjusted youths. It is the only student movement of students, by students, for students, STUDENTOCRACY. As a former student representative, I am happy to give you a warm welcome. Brothers and sisters, on a day like this I lost my activism virginity. On a day like this I became pregnant with ZINASU GOSPEL. I’m still on my gestation phase till I leave CUT.I will tenaciously disseminate the Good gospel ZINASU. The cause for me to get impregnated is simple. I was born and bred in the unfertile lands of Gutu. My parents are peasants, for me and some you who are in there parents have to sell goats and cattle so that tuition fees can be paid. But for how many years? And how many cattle can peasant farmer posses. Section 75 (1) (b) of the Constitution states: “Every citizen and permanent resident of Zimbabwe has a right to further education, which the State, through reasonable legislative and other measures, must make progressively available and accessible.” However, it is where the Constitution says in Section 75 (4) the State’s fulfilment of the right to education will be realized “within the limits of the resources available to it…” which ZINASU views as a clause that treats education as a privilege. ZINASU fights for the welfare of students like me, they will never tire to negotiate with the Authorities to extend registration dates, lowering the minimum amounts required for a student register for a given academic semester. When their voices cannot be heard enough they bellow louder than bulls. I their bellowing is mistaken for squeaking by some hard hearted, pot bellied men, with balded heads that’s when they put the words of our motto into action STRUGGLE IS OUR BIRTH RIGHT Fellow students trace the History ZINASU at CUT and nationally, you will see how we are dedicated to help students. The name Choose Kasongo will never be erased at CUT maybe for the next 1000 years. It is because of his exceptional leadership characteristics that now students can be ferried by buses to and from all corners of Chinhoyi suburbs. I may be disrespectful if I don’t mention Welcome Zimuto; a ZINASU CUT CHAPTER student activist, and the youngest Zimbabwean to face charges of treason. Librat veritas the truth shall set us free; today he is Jordan furthering his studies. I should not rest my case before I mention Garnet Murenga, Tafadzwa Chikukwa, Kudzai Kazembe, Morgan Bepete, Luke Maenzanise, and Munyaradzi Makunike for their fruiting efforts which saw many students registering with half fees, some even with zero dollars. If one student has such feelings for other students and can take his/her time and energy to see that fellow student’ needs are addressed that person is a LEADER and that person certainly belongs to ZINASU if not so, then that person is a member of Zinasu, or else a supporter of ZINASU During this tenure of ZINASU, I would like to assure you that you can expect a safe and comfortable stay in the campus with the help of ZINASU SRC unlike what we witnessed a year ago. Leaders who had guts to wrestle a 1.1 student only because of criticism. I assure you will receive all necessary help and support from your current student Leadership at the earliest. They will mentor you with full care, responsibility and commitment. These are tried and tested lieutenants. The locomotive, Mr Pres Simon Ndabaningi Sithole, has been incarcerated and persecuted for his love for the students. He was arrested together with other students because he had told the canteen manager to stop pricing a diarrhoea package at 1 USD.SG the woman of substance, a lady of distinction, Our Margret Thatcher. She is the ZINASU national sec for Gender Joanna Mamombe. With barely three months on campus she was already an SRC member. Ladies, MaUSA this is a challenge. AAAAAAAHOYI. Treasurer General Cecile John General Ganyau is a veteran leader, he was in the previous SRC, and he now knows how to handle student issues. I cannot finish them all one by one but let me say they are all vanguards. There will be many challenges before you during the next 4 years of your studies and I am confident that you all will face them with courage, and make great success through sincere efforts. Ladies and Gentlemen! I have strong belief that this young generation will make us proud and bring laurels through their new ideas and innovation. At the end, I would like to congratulate your parents and school-teachers for shaping you so well and making you successful to come here for learning. I am sure, that you will be able to learn and achieve all that you have dreamt of, CUT mould you into a competent and compassionate Food Scientist, Accountant, Engineer, Creative Artiste and Designer, Biotechnologist, Supply Chain Manager, who will to the nation, deliver technically, socially, economically, politically, and all other forms of call callies Dear students, I feel strongly that the future of CUT will be in the safe hands of yours. The nation is waiting for your able and noble services in the coming years. People will salute you for your services. Fellow academicians, esteemed colleagues and Friends! Finally I would end by saying these few words for these young minds: Practice honesty, humility, hard working habits and flexibility, Maintain clarity of purpose, and persistence in doing things, and Keep good health and consistency of good behaviour. Lastly, I again assure you that ZINASU CUT CHAPTER is committed to your comfort and wellbeing. All the best! Thank you, Chitsa Chibvongodze
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:26:56 +0000

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